Perfetti, Michele, 1931-
Found in 29 Collections and/or Records:
Busta Sorpresa, A: Esposizione di Poesia Visuale dall Raccolta / Carla Bertola, curator ; Caruso L ; Perfetti M ; Cena S ; Colonna G ; Miccini E ; Bertola C ; Lora-Totino A ; Diotallevi M ; Fontana G ; Arbizzani L ; Ferrando B ; Baroni V ; Apolloni I ; Ciani P., 1990
The exhibition consisted of works from first six issues of Busta Sorpresa which was published by Offerta Speciale, Turin. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Co/Incidenze / Bertini G ; Nannucci M ; Miccini E ; Perfetti M ; Arias-Misson A ; Balestrini N ; Blaine J ; Bory JF ; Carrega U ; DeVree P ; Ferro L ; Finlay IH ; Gerz J ; Gomringer E ; Sarenco ; Mon F ; Spatola A ; Valoch J ; Moineau JC., 1969
About one half of the book deals with artists working in a constructivistic manner and the other half with concrete and visual poets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dentro & Fuori / Perfetti, Michele., 1971
Image consists of printed material from magazines that depicts two, posed, female nudes in side view surrounded by Italian and English words and phrases. The title of this work appears as collaged, printed text at the upper left section of the piece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Esterni di Vita Interiore / Perfetti, Michele ; Restany P ; D'Ambrosio M., 1980
Geiger Affiche: Ponctua(c)tion. No.2 / Michele Perfetti., 1970
Innesti / Perfetti, Michele; Russo, Vitantonio., 1973
Minimi Segni / Perfetti, Michele ; Cavallina M., 1979
One of the depicted works is reminiscent of a page of Tom Phillips' "A Humument" -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
'''ooo+: Poesie Tecnologico/Visive / Perfetti, Michele., 1967
Poesia Pubblica / Perfetti, Michele, editor ; Vigo EA ; Gutierrez JL ; Pazos L ; DeVree P ; Arias-Misson A ; Pignatari D ; DeSa A ; Sa A ; Pino WD ; Valoch J ; Novak L ; Kolar J ; Deisler G ; Gerz J ; Bory JF ; Blaine J ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Moineau JC ; Ulrichs T ; Mon F ; Shohachiro T ; Kitasono K ; Finlay IH ; Phillips T ; Marcucci L ; Pignotti L ; Perfetti M ; Sarenco ; Vicinelli P ; Isgro E ; Oliva AB ; Spatola A ; Spatola M ; Vaccari F ; Russo A ; Bentivoglio M ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; Bertini G ; Todorovic M ; Clavin H ; Zabala F ; Millan F ; Kostelanetz R ; Gomringer E ; Padin C ; Barilla R ; Dorfles G., 1972
Michele Perfetti wrote a brief note about "Poesia Alternativa." Other brief comments were made by Umbro Apollinio, Renato Barilli, Paul deVree, Sarenco, Gillo Dorflies, Emilio Isgro, Eugenio MIccini, Lamberto Pignotti among others. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Poesia Tecnologica/Frammenti Quotidiani / Perfetti, Michele., 1969
Poesia Visiva / rosanna apicella, curator ; Marcucci L ; Miccini E ; Ori L ; Perfetti M ; Sarenco ; Bory JF ; Arias-Misson A ; DeVree P ; Damen H., 1972
Poor Old Tired Horse. No.1 / Ian Hamilton Finlay, editor ; Brown P ; Morgan E ; Hollo A ; Riddell A ; Turnbull G ; Niedecker L ; Finlay IH., 1961 - 1967
The Sackner Archive holds one complete set of this periodical and another incomplete set missing No.1 and No.6/ -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Programma Per Una Futura Avanguardia: La Poesia Degli Anni 70 / Sarenco, curator ; Carrega U ; Sarenco ; Miccini E ; Perfetti M ; Mignani R ; Ori L ; Vaccari F ; Oliva AB ; Isgro E ; Pignotti L ; Oberto M ; Bentivoglio M ; Accame V ; LaRocca K ; Moineau JC ; Gerz J ; Bory JF ; Blaine J ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gappmayr H ; Vigo EA ; Clavin H ; Damen H ; Nucha N ; DeVries H ; VanDerLinde F ; Vroom I ; Arias-Misson A ; DeVree P ; Finlay IH ; Padin C ; Zagoricnik C ; Todorovic M ; Houedard DS ; Gibbs M ; Zurbrugg N ; Toshihiko S ; Takahashi S ; Kitasono K ; Niikuni S ; Motoyuki I ; Claus CF ; deMelo e Castro EM ; Burda V ; Honys J ; Dusek J ; Grogerova B ; Hirsal J ; Kratina R ; Malina J ; Novak L ; Ovcacek E ; Rajlich T ; Urbasek M ; Valoch J ; Smirnov F ; Mund Hjr ; Gradoli A ; Millan F ; Millan A ; Zabala F ; Moore AD ; Solt ME ; Etlinger A ; Phillips MJ ; Wezel W ; Ulrichs T., 1970
The original poem by Gerz depicted in this book is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Puntata Continua / Perfetti, Michele., 1971
Image consists of printed material from magazines that depicts two arms, one feminine and the other masculine embracing Italian words and phrases as well as images. The title of this work appears as collaged, printed text at the top center of the piece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Qualcosa di Alchemico / Perfetti, Michele., 2002
Questo e Quello / Perfetti, Michele., 1970
Image consists of printed material from magazines that depicts Italian words and phrases, as well as images. The title of this work appears as collaged, printed text at the top center of the piece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scompaginazione / Perfetti, Michele ; Cavallina M., 1980
Signalist Poster Poem: Alphabet. No.4 / Miroljub Todorovic., 1971
Stored with Todorovic material. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Sistematicamente / Perfetti, Michele., 1981
All six visual poems depict fragments of crossword puzzles as part of their composition. One of these poems is depicted on page 332 of Pignotti's book, 'Figure Scritture' (1987). -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Studio Inquadrature 33: Poesia Visiva Internazionale. No.3/Nov / Alain Arias-Misson ; Michele Perfetti ; Sarenco ; Apicella R., 1973
The introductory essay was written by Rossana Apicella. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Visual poetry 24
- Concrete poetry 7
- Critical text 4
- Political poetry 3
- Conventional poetry 2
- Alphabetical text 1
- Artist book (citation) 1
- Artist book (limited edition) 1
- Assembling 1
- Calligraphic text 1
- Documentation 1
- Found poetry 1
- Fragmented text 1
- Shaped poetry 1
- Signalism 1
- Sound poetry 1
- Visual art 1
- Visual/verbal 1 + ∧ less