Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 1925-2006
- Existence: 1925 October 28 - 2006 March 27
Found in 1986 Collections and/or Records:
Arcadia / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1995
Arcadia / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1982
Arcadia / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1973
The image is an armored tank camoulaged with green leaves and background suggesting a garden but there is a contradiction to the title which refers to the pastoral mountainous region in ancient Greece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Arcadia: W.D. Property / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Harvey, Micheal., 1996
The image on this card reads in bold type "Arcadia." Below it in smaller type is W.D. Property. The latter relates to the action taken by the Strathclyde Region taxation office on Little Sparta in 1995. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Arcadian Gliders, 1981
Consists of a boxed set of nine papercard model gliders to be cut from the prints. Each glider has been embellished with a military decal of the countries that fought World War II along with the name of a garden plant that has been printed on the rear wing. This was published in an unlimited edition. William Allen comments: Outer box made by the cult small press publisher Brian Lane. Box contains bag of elastic bands, nine silkscreen prints of different Arcadian glider kits and an instruction booklet. "Each airplane is embellished with a military decal and the name of an appropriate common garden feature has been printed on the rear wing. When the airplanes have been constructed, they may either be displayed together as a squadron or, if you have access to a garden, they should be carefully placed in the relevant spot to act as markers or name tags and a pleasing focus of interest for when the flowers are out of season." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Arcadian Revolutionary and Avant Gardener / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 2014
Jennifer R. Gross has contributed a scholarly, in depth essay "Them's Fightin' Words" to the catalogue. Her research and interpretations of Finlay's work add significantly to the critical texts of this multi- talented artist. The exhibition contained 112 pieces by Finaly and his collaboartors. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Arcadian Sundials / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Sandeman, Margot., 1970
Archive for 3 Letterheads / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Thomson, George L.., 1973
Archive for 3 names of Barges / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Sandeman, Margot., 1969
The page, torn from a notebook, consists of handwritten lists of names of barges by Finlay for card printed in collaboration with Margot Sandeman. The drawing of the barge was later printed on the card in red ink. There is also a proof copy of the card with corrections in this Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for 5 Neons for Serpentine Gallery: Strawberry Camouflage, Wood Ave, Wave Sheaf, Sea Pink, and Lilly Cobbled / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Costley, Ron., 1976
Archive for A Garden of Wild Stones / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Harvey, Michael; Lyle, Peter; Thorpe, John R.; Butler, Vincent; Oliver, George; Jones D., 1972 - 1973
Archive for A Mast of Hankies / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Paterson, Dave., 1974
These items constitute the working materials for the poem collection, "A Mastful of Hankies." The manuscripts consist of conventionally composed poems, not all of which were used in the final version of the work. Maquettes for the folder and cards and directions for color stock of paper are included. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.