Albert-Birot, Pierre
- Existence: 1967
Found in 114 Collections and/or Records:
20 Jaar de Tafelronde 1953/1973 / De Vree, Paul, editor ; Debbaut, Jan, editor ; Coenen, Jean-Paul, editor ; Chopin H ; Albert-Birot P ; Houedard DS ; DeVree P ; Finlay IH ; Adler J ; Valoch J ; Ockerse T ; Cobbing B ; DeRook GJ ; Solt ME ; Accame V ; Blaine J ; Sarenco ; Gerz J ; Phillips MJ ; Riddell A ; Arias-Misson A ; Kostelanetz R ; Seuphor M ; VanBrugghen J ; Vroom I ; DeCampos A ; Pazos L ; Santos AJ ; McCaffery S ; Hausmann R ; Schmidt SJ ; Ulrichs T ; Bory JF ; Dufrene F ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gette PA ; Heidsieck B ; LeSidaner JM ; Leveque JJ ; Moineau JC ; Tapie M ; Claire P ; Gibbs M ; Horovitz M ; Mayer P ; Zurbrugg N ; Carrega U ; Isgro E ; Marcucci L ; Miccini E ; Mignani R ; Nannucci M ; Oliva AB ; Perfetti M ; Lora-Totino A ; Vaccari F ; Niikuni S ; Todorovic M ; Clavin H ; DeVries H ; Joseph R ; Mund Hjr ; Copithorne J ; Hidalgo J ; Meyboom P ; Nucha N ; Millan F ; Kocman JH ; Trinkewitz K ; Valoch J ; Padin C ; Etlinger A ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Hompson DD ; Ockerse T., 1975
This catalogue documents each issue of De Tafelronde and reproduces exemplary visual/verbal poems from the publications. An index of contributors is provided. This book is stored with the periodical of the same name. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Collection of Dada Art / Sotheby's ; Arp H ; Baader J ; Baargeld J ; Albert-Birot P ; Blumenfeld E ; Bortynik S ; Brown B ; Citroen P ; Crotti J ; cummings ee ; VanDoesburg T ; Duchamp M ; Ernst M ; Fraenkel T ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Hoch H ; Itten J ; Janco M ; Kassak L ; Picabia F ; Prampolini E ; Ray M ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Rozanova O ; Schwitters K ; Steiglitz A ; Tzara T ; Wood B ; DeZayas M ; Richter H ; Schwarz A ; Mehring W ; Berman M ; Duchamp S., 1987
Auction catalogue. Arturo Schwarz contributed an introductory essay about the works being auctioned from a Swiss collector that were formerly in his collection. The Sackners purchased Bob Brown's drawing, "My Head in the Clouds-Calligram," at this auction. The complete set of the thirteen Duchamp Ready-mades that were produced by Arturo Schwarz in 1964 were offered at this auction. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Almanacco Dada / Schwarz, Arturo, editor ; Albert-Birot P ; Arp H ; Ball H ; Ernst M ; Grosz G ; Schwitters K ; Tzara T ; Picabia F ; Duchamp M ; Crotti J ; Hausmann R ; DeZayas M ; Hoch H ; Baader J ; Breton A ; Zdanevich I ; Ray M ; Baargeld J ; Huidobro V ; deTorre G., 1976
Anthologie du Cinema Invisible: 100 Scenarios pour 100 Ans de Cinema / Janicot, Christian, editor ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Artaud A ; Audiberti J ; Ayme A ; Bataille G ; Brossa J ; Burroughs WS ; Cendrars B ; Cornell J ; Depero F ; Desnos R ; Duchamp M ; Dufrene F ; Filliou R ; Brecht G ; Ginsberg A ; Goll Y ; Henry M ; Magritte R ; Mayakovsky V ; Malevich K ; Miller H ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Nezval V ; Noel B ; Perec G ; Peret B ; Picabia F ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Roche M ; Seuphor M ; Soupault P ; Stein G ; Survage L ; Teige K ; Vian B ; Villegle J ; Weiner L., 1995
This book reprints, in dazzling, different, typographical layouts, film scripts and criticisms by avant garde writers and poets of the 20th century. The book, which is designed with several different colored papers and typefaces, received a prize for Arts and Essays from the National Center of Cinematography in France. Typewriter poetry is present on the film scenario of Fortunato Depero and sound poetry in the script by Francois Dufrene. Picture poems are depicted in the Fluxus film scripts by Robert Filliou and George Brecht. Villegle's script includes his typical ideograms. Lawrence Weiner's script is uncharacteristically dense in content and more visual/verbal than his usual works. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Apollinaire and the International Avant-Garde / Bohn, Willard ; Albert-Birot P ; Breton A ; Cendrars B ; Delaunay S ; Duchamp M ; Huidobro V ; Lewis WP ; Mallarme S ; Marinetti FT ; Reverdy P ; Pound E ; Zukofsky L ; Ray M ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Baudelaire C ; Boccioni U ; Brossa J ; Crotti J ; cummings ee ; Dante ; Ernst M ; Folgore L ; Ford CH ; Holz A ; Jacob M ; Jarry A ; Laforgue J ; Lagut I ; Nerval G ; Neuhuys P ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Rimbaud A ; Russolo L ; Salmon A ; Salvat-Papasseit J ; Scheerbart P ; Severini G ; Soupault P ; Tablada J ; Torre G ; Tzara T ; Whitman W ; Wood B ; Zayas M., 1997
Apollinaire's Lyrical Ideograms / Themerson, Stefan ; Albert-Birot P., 1968
This book is replete with examples of Apollinaire's hand drawm calligrsaphic poems as well as the printed ones. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
April / Luiggi, Philippe ; Albert-Birot P ; Aragon L ; Artaud A ; Bataille G ; Cendrars B ; Cocteau J ; Eluard P ; Ernst M ; Leiris M ; Mayakovsky V ; Picabia F ; Pichette H ; Salmon A ; Soupault P ; Isou I ; Lemaitre M ; Pomerand G ; Ray M ; Masson A ; Grosz G ; Lebel R., 1989
Autumn List / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; DeCampos A ; Johnson R ; Furnival J ; Williams J ; Morgan E ; Albert-Birot P ; Mon F ; Kriwet F ; Lax R., 1965
Aux Trente-Deux Vents / Albert-Birot, Pierre ; Chopin H., 1970
The forward was written by Henri Chopin. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aux Trente-Deux Vents / Albert-Birot, Pierre ; Schoffer N ; Chopin H., 1970
This deluxe edition includes a constructivist, metallic sculpture by Nicolas Schoffer and an afterward by Henri Chopin. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Avant-Garde / Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Pierre ; Martin-Malburet, Ursula ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Bayer H ; Berlewi H ; Burgin V ; Grosz G ; Jarry A ; Mayakovsky V ; Peret B ; Soupault P ; Zwart P ; Artaud A ; Ball H ; Ben ; Desnos R ; Dotremont C ; Duchamp M ; Epstein J ; Ehrenburg I ; Lissitzky E ; Hausmann R ; Debord G ; Kirsanov S ; Ray M ; Picabia F ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Roussel R., 1990
Auction catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Avant-Garde / Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Pierre ; Martin-Malburet, Ursula ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Cahun C ; Cangiullo F ; Epstein J ; Isou I ; Kirsanov S ; Lemaitre M ; Lissitzky E ; Marinetti FT ; Picabia F ; Beuys J ; Breton A ; Soupault P ; Tulcholsky K., 1990
Auction catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Avant-Garde du XXe Siecle / Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Pierre ; Martin-Malburet, Ursula ; Marinetti FT ; Bayer H ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Breton A ; Cangiullo F ; Duchamp M ; Isou I ; Kruchenykh A ; Sanzin B ; Tzara T ; Picabia F ; Arp H ; Artaud A ; Breton A ; Cendrars B ; Crevel R ; VanDoesburg T ; Janco M ; Jorn A ; Klucis G ; Larionov M ; Schwitters K ; Morpurgo N ; Teige K ; Warhol A ; Zwart P ; Ernst M ; Hausmann R ; Grosz G., 1990
Auction catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
avant -gardes 1910-1945 / Arengario Studio Bibliografico, L' ; Apollinaire G ; Albert-Birot P ; Baumeister W ; Bayer H ; Breton A ; Brown B ; Bryen C ; Larionov M ; Cocteau J ; cummings ee ; Duchamp M ; Ernst M ; Hidalgo A ; Kruchenykh A ; Ray M ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Roche J ; Schlemmer O ; Serner W ; Severini G ; Soupault P ; Picabia F ; Teige K., 2012
This catalogue lists books of the 20th century international avant gaerde. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breaking the Rules: The Printed Face of the European Avant Garde 1900 - 1937 / Bury, Stephen, editor ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Arp H ; Boccioni U ; Breton A ; Burliuk D ; Cangiullo F ; Carra C ; Depero F ; VanDoesburg T ; Duchamp M ; Ehrenburg I ; Goncharova N ; Gropius W ; Grosz G ; Heartfeld J ; Huelsenbeck R ; Ionesco E ; Itten J ; Joyce J ; Kassak L ; Khlebnikov V ; Kruchenykh A ; Larionov M ; Leger F ; Lewis WP ; Lissitzky E ; Malevich K ; Mallarme S ; Ray M ; Marinetti FT ; Mayakovsky V ; Picabia F ; Rodchenko A ; Schwitters K ; Severini G ; Stein G ; Teige K ; Telingater S ; Tzara T ; Zdanevich I ; Ernst M ; Salvat-Papasseit J., 2007
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name at the British Library in 2007, the book is organized into the following sections: Introduction; The Manifesto; The Livre d'Artiste and the Artist's Book; the Avant-Garde and the Little Magazine; The Avant-Garde Photo-Book; Legacy. The dust jacket states,"This book focuses on the printed work of avant-garde artistic movements such as Cubism, Expressionism, Futurism, Dadaism, Constructivism and Surrealism. Avant-garde artists and writers published their own manifestos, poetry magazines and books, and created new genres such as the artist's book and the photo-book. Printed works were easy to distribute and helped to disseminate avant-garde ideas internationally. Around 30 cities of particular importance to the avant-garde are featured, and their artists and contributions are described in depth." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.