Notebook 5, 1956-11-23 - 1957-02-11
Scope and Contents
167 pages holograph. Later drafts of "Ana Maria." Poems. Notes and drafts of later chapters of Coronacion. Notes for the short story "La Delmond." Notes for an article on the wife of Juan Ramon Jimenez titled "Zenobia." Notes and drafts for an article titled "La Mujer del Poeta." Notes for an article titled "Dos Bares Legendarios." Notes for an article titled "Fisonomi a de Gabriela [Mistral]."
- Creation: 1956-11-23 - 1957-02-11
- From the Collection: Donoso, Jose (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 7.50 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Materials Specific Details
167 numbered leaves. November 23, 1956 (Lo Gallardo); February 11, 1957 (Isla Negra).
"1956" and "1957" in red ink, dates estimated by JD who took into account his age (see p. 163)
Index Card: Terminacion de Ana María. Articulo para El Mercurio sobre Juan Ramon y Zenobia Camprubi
Epoca de mi gran pelea con Fernanado Balmaceda. Amistad con Jose Miguel Ochavarria?, con Hernan Diaz, con los Portales. Hasta que me retiro a Isla Negra, desde comienzos de Enero
Content: Continued work in “Ana María” and Coronación. Drafts articles for publication in El Mercurio. Ideas for short stories. Poems.
Works In Progress: Ana María: 1-21; 59-67 (Characters: Ana María, hombre, mujer, padre, madre); 4 future articles: “Lawrence en Ajijic”: 21-2; “Zenobia” (JD notes he submitted to El Mercurio, November 28, 1956): 47-56; “Dos bares legendarios”: 69-71; “Fisonomía de Gabriela”: 79-83. “La Delmond” (short story): 23: (Characters: Don Antonio Escobar, Don Salvador Sanfuentes); “Virginita”: 27-40: (Characters: Doña Momo, Señoritas Soto Aguilar, Virginita, Tías Prieto del Río, Gálvez, Clérigo, Tía Carmelita, Tío Luis Francisco,Tata Pancho, empleadas de las Tías Prieto, maestro sastre, Ciequicito Madre de Ciquicito, La Chipono, Arturito Alessandri, Rosita); Coronación: 72-8; 87-133; 135-149: (Characters: Mario, Misiá Elisita, Dora, hijos de Dora, René, Estela, Don Andrés, Adrianita, Doctor Carlos Gros, Don Segundo, Rosario, Lourdes, Don Emiliano); Hors de Texte: 134; 149;
Poems: 84-86.
Work Plans: Coronación: 96 – 98; 104-107; 112; Hors de Texte: 149.
Secondary Projects: List of observations and strategies to follow in works in progress (Ana Maria, La Delmond) as well as for future volume of short stories that will include them: 26-27; Draft (possibly part of Virginita): 40; Ideas for a possible short story: 40-3; Ideas for future possible stories and for Coronación: 43; Ideas for another short story: 44-6; Ideas for a short story: 57-8.
Miscellaneous: Plans (staying at a Franciscan convent for a while): 58-9; Plans, List of friends, address: 67-8; Reflections on Isla Negra: 150-167.
References: W. H. Hudson (1841-1922) 21; W. H. Davies (1871-1940) 21; D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) 21-22; C S. Lewis (1898-1963) 22; Julio Escamez (1925) 24; Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958) 47, 49-56; Zenobia Camprubí Aymar (1887-1956) 47, 49-51, 54-56; Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) 47, 53-54; Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) 47; José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) 47, 50, 55; Platero y Yo (by Juan Ramón Jiménez,1914) 49, 54; María Elena Walsh (1930) 52, 55; Margarita Aguirre (1920-2003) 52; (1893-1921) 53; Américo Castro y Quesada (1885-1972) 53; Ezra Pound (1885-1972) 54; Antonio Machado (1875-1939) 54, Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) 54; Carmen Silva (1924) 58; Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) 79-83; Palma Guillén (?-?) 82; Doris Dana (1920-2006) 82-83; González Vera (?-?) 82-83; Jorge Hübner Bezanilla (1892-1964) 82; Filomena Salas (?-?) 82; Laura Rodig (1901-1972) 83; Waldo Villa (1897-1979) 152; Domingo Santa Cruz (1899-1987) 152; Juan Orrego Salas (1919) 152; Acario Cotapos (1889-1969) 152; Hans Cartorp (main character of The Magic Mountain, 1924) 159; Carmen Orrego (1925) 159; John Elliott (1930) 161; Hernán del Solar (1901-1985) 161; et al.
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