The bunk about Wall Street. (Middle): If we were to believe the politician Wall Street is full of pop-eyed ogres with horns and forked tails. (Bottom): As a matter of fact it and its inhabitants are no different from most of the main streets in the U.S.A
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_240722
- Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers | CARTOONS | Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock | B | The bunk about Wall Street. (Middle): If we were to believe the politician Wall Street is full of pop-eyed ogres with horns and forked tails. (Bottom): As a matter of fact it and its inhabitants are no different from most of the main streets in the U.S.A, 1924 July 22
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Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)