Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Identifier: MsC0170
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Asleep at last
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Identifier: MsC0170_320709
At it again
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Identifier: MsC0170_140925-I
At last a peaceful substitute for war. (Subtitles): Henry Ford proposes to pacify Mexico with a flivver factory; probably on the theory that with his hands full of monkey wrenches he couldn't carry a rifle; and besides they'd probably have all the trouble they wanted without starting a revolution
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_220801
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
At last a peaceful substitute for war. (Subtitles): Henry Ford proposes to pacify Mexico with a flivver factory; probably on the theory that with his hands full of monkey wrenches he couldn't carry a rifle; and besides they'd probably have all the trouble they wanted without starting a revolution, 1922 August 01
At last a point of agreement
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Identifier: MsC0170_480526
At last an effective treatment for sleeping sickness
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Identifier: MsC0170_330421
At last an efficient enforcement system
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Identifier: MsC0170_230218
At last the Germans have picked onto someone everybody hopes they can conquer.
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Identifier: MsC0170_200317-I
At last they've called in a specialist
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Identifier: MsC0170_180418-I
At last we are going to discover what would happen if an irresistable force should meet an immovable object
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Identifier: MsC0170_210406-I
At last we've found where to go to be waited on
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Identifier: MsC0170_291203
At least one Senator now knows what the President meant by choose
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Identifier: MsC0170_271022
At the economic wrestling match (Also titled) Either those in front have to sit down or else let everybody stand up and be done with it
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_210521-I
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
At the economic wrestling match (Also titled) Either those in front have to sit down or else let everybody stand up and be done with it, 1921 May 21
At the other end of the lyncher's rope
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_190930-I
At the turning of the ways
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Identifier: MsC0170_180513-I
Ata boy, Cal, if you want it done well do it yourself.
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Identifier: MsC0170_240131
Atta boy!
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Identifier: MsC0170_330510
Attorney General Clark will now investigate the source of high prices
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Identifier: MsC0170_470821
Automobiles affect some folks that way
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Identifier: MsC0170_230621
Avoiding a panic
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Identifier: MsC0170_130604-I
Avoiding neighborhood exposure
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Identifier: MsC0170_440318