Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Identifier: MsC0170
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Button, button, who's got the button?
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Identifier: MsC0170_160526-I
Buying a war -- And paying for it on the installment plan
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Identifier: MsC0170_190629-I
Buying bonds is the easiest job of the war
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Identifier: MsC0170_181002-I
By all means ease up on the man who has to row his own boat
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Identifier: MsC0170_231229
By all means let us have peace
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Identifier: MsC0170_130527-I
By going back England might unite Ireland--- but what's the use of trying to cure a family quarrel--- by starting a neighborhood riot?
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_220604
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
By going back England might unite Ireland--- but what's the use of trying to cure a family quarrel--- by starting a neighborhood riot?, 1922 June 04
By peaceful revolution
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Identifier: MsC0170_330724
By the way, how about a place in the sun for the small boy with a bicycle?
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Identifier: MsC0170_210514-I
By the way, what's happened to the Austrian drive?
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Identifier: MsC0170_180610-I
By working hard maybe they can pay the rent and get the children fit for school before their men go on another spree [also titled] by working like Sam Hill maybe they can almost make enough to pretty near catch up with the rent and get the children some clothes so's they can go to school before their men wake up and start out on another spree.
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_230609-C.jpg
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
By working hard maybe they can pay the rent and get the children fit for school before their men go on another spree [also titled] by working like Sam Hill maybe they can almost make enough to pretty near catch up with the rent and get the children some clothes so's they can go to school before their men wake up and start out on another spree., 1923 June 09
Bye lo Baby Bunting
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_320308
Bye now--it's been wonderful knowing you (Also titled) Ding's farewell
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Identifier: MsC0170_620213-I
Cal can't come just now, he's busy!
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Identifier: MsC0170_261011
Cal: Oh, they' re always like that around feeding time.
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Identifier: MsC0170_280126
Call for Mr Diogenes
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Identifier: MsC0170_170117
Call for Old Man Noah
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Identifier: MsC0170_470615
Call for the tow car
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Identifier: MsC0170_220517
Calling on the trade
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Identifier: MsC0170_200528-I
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Identifier: MsC0170_4207231
Camping in the poison ivy
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_420714