Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Identifier: MsC0170
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Why the Democrats don't want to open the door
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_140208I
Why the farmer complains
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Identifier: MsC0170_240917
Why the farmer sometimes may seem discontented
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Identifier: MsC0170_221025I
Why the world still has to settle its trouble with a club
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Identifier: MsC0170_230129
Why they call it Labor Day
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Identifier: MsC0170_130901I
Why they want to do it, nobody knows.
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Identifier: MsC0170_411007
Why this sudden friendliness?
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Identifier: MsC0170_190315I
Why wait for the millennium?
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Identifier: MsC0170_190326I
Why wait 'till Saturday night?
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Identifier: MsC0170_260717I
Why Washington never gets rid of the bureau investigation (infestation)
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Identifier: MsC0170_320102
Why we don't raise our taxes by voluntary subscriptions
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Identifier: MsC0170_170419I
Why we have mice in our municipal kitchen
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Identifier: MsC0170_140226I
Why wear your life away in pleading
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Identifier: MsC0170_171026
Why will folks persist in picking out comic valentines when there are such nice ones to be had? (Optional line): Thought comic valentines were supposed to be out of style
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Identifier: MsC0170_210214
Why will people insist on jumping off while the train is in motion?
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Identifier: MsC0170_190922I
Why wives don't go away for the summer
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Identifier: MsC0170_160727
Why women weep at June weddings
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Identifier: MsC0170_410606
Why worry about burglars? Simply notify the police by telephone
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Identifier: MsC0170_140628I
Will he jump or wait to be pushed? (Also titled) Anyway, we might better take the chance of drowning than to stand still and gored to death
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Identifier: MsC0170_211119-C.jpg
Will help never come?
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Identifier: MsC0170_280220