Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Identifier: MsC0170
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Yes, yes, Senator, go on.
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Identifier: MsC0170_391025
Yesterday's menace today's guest of honor
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Identifier: MsC0170_391101I
Yesterday's paradise -- tomorrow's black desolation
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Identifier: MsC0170_370713I
You are probably too old to remember
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Identifier: MsC0170_380424
You aren't thinking of leaving us are you, Bob?
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Identifier: MsC0170_240602I
You can avoid taxes (Also titled) You can have a good time dodging the new taxes, but you'll fine that your old Uncle Sam isn't being fooled
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Identifier: MsC0170_321022I
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
You can avoid taxes (Also titled) You can have a good time dodging the new taxes, but you'll fine that your old Uncle Sam isn't being fooled, 1932 October 22
You can hardly expect this end to come down if you're going to add extra weight on the other end
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Identifier: MsC0170_241007I
You can lead a horse to water, but --
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Identifier: MsC0170_140614I
You can ride even a good horse to death, you know, gentlemen
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Identifier: MsC0170_130513I
You can't always tell by the photographs
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Identifier: MsC0170_260700cg
You can't always tell from the photographs
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Identifier: MsC0170_221010I
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
You can't always tell by the photographs. Lots of times it isn't the man who killed the bear - who gets his picture taken bringing the game into camp., 1922 October 10
You can't blame Japan for feeling it an insult
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Identifier: MsC0170_190317I
You can't travel with one wheel on the high road and one on the low road
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Identifier: MsC0170_210403I
You didn't by any chance get the wrong bottle, did you John?
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Identifier: MsC0170_250308
You don't suppose anyone sold us a ticket on the wrong train, do you?
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Identifier: MsC0170_260910
You gotta be careful who you pick up these days
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Identifier: MsC0170_320815
You know how it is with these bundle campaigns
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Identifier: MsC0170_320312
You know mother!
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Identifier: MsC0170_300702I
You see how it is, don't you?
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Identifier: MsC0170_100308-I
You see it's so much pleasanter to be killed by an automobile than a bomb
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Identifier: MsC0170_200914