Box 4
Contains 227 Results:
Tape 91: 1963 Maryland Writer's Festival. Lewis Turco. William Faulkner, Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken, Elizabeth Bishop.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 21
1957 - 2002
Tape 92: Fenn Poetry Center. Karl Shapiro 12/4/64.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 22
1957 - 2002
Tape 94: John Logan reading poems at Cornell University 4/18/61.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 24
1957 - 2002
Tapes 95 and 96: Robert Frost. Bill Knott "It Takes Two to Make a Murder."
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 25
1957 - 2002
Tape 97. Jan Billera reading with drum accompaniment for his book Purgatory and Carousels.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 26
1957 - 2002
Tapes 98 and 99: FSCA. X.J. Kennedy. "The Last Days of Hart Crane." WBAI FM, NY.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 27
1957 - 2002
Tape 102: FSCA. John Tagliabuc, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 1959.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 29
1957 - 2002
Tapes 103 and 104: FSCA. W. D. Snodgrass, Address at State University, Oneonta 8/2/61. Milton Kessler 9/18/62.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 30
1957 - 2002
Tape 105: FSCA. Vern Rutsala, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR 10/62.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 31
1957 - 2002
Tapes 107 and 108: FSCA. Louis Williams, Fenn 10/20/62 (Choral background and accompaniment). David Ignatow 10/26/62.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 33
1957 - 2002
Tapes 109 and 110: FSCA. James Crenner 11/1/62. Paul Engle, Fenn College 11/13/62.
Item — Box: 4
Identifier: Item 34
1957 - 2002