Box 4
Contains 41 Results:
Notes: Volunteer's Gazette
For background on biography of Maud Ballington Booth
Miscellaneous printed background material for Mrs. Booth
Abbot Campell Permissions - Correspondence on publication of Booth biography Look Up and Hope
Knights' Ransom
Short version ("Follett's version"): Carbon typescript, 223 pages, both sides of sheet used. Some penciled revisions. Another version of chapter one, carbon typescript, 14 pages.
Knights' Ransom. Part I: "Twelve Greenland Falcons."
Long version, (separately-fastened part): typescript. Pages 1-149a.
Knights' Ransom. Part II: "On To Iceland."
Long version, (separately-fastened part): typescript. Pages 150-321. Source material on Greenland , Iceland, falconry, consisting of correspondence, notes, clippings: one large folder. Bibliography of sources: 2 versions: 1. 5 typewritten sheets; 2. 3 sheets with some additional titles. Correspondence: about 50 letters between author and publisher.
"The Bird Banders." February 6, 13, 20, 27 and March 6, 1937
Published in The Target. Copy of the 5 installments with 3 letters from publisher. This serial story also appeared in Boyland (Congregational) and The Pioneer (Presbyterian). Based on the adventures in bird-banding of the author's husband with two Parsons College students, Malcom McDonald and Charles Gilly.
Rainbow Gold, 1940
A one-act play. Published under pseudonym Joel Peters in 100 Non-royalty One-act Plays, compiled by William Kozlenko, 1940 Carbon typescript of text Author's contract. 3 letters.
Quarantine, 1940
A one-act play. Published in 100 Non-royalty One-act Plays, compiled by William Kozlenko. Carbon typescript of text. Author's contract. Related correspondence.
Library Open Hours, 1940
A one-act play. Published in 100 Non-royalty One-act Plays, compiled by William Kozlenko. Carbon typescript of text. Related correspondence.
"Meet the people of Pangchuang." June, 1945
Article. Published in This Month. Carbon typescript of text, with corrections and bibliography. Handwritten notes. Correspondence.
"Followers of the Star." September, 1947
A Christmas pageant. Published in International Journal of Religious Education. Carbon typescript, 12 pages. 2 related letters.
"Why is children's day?" May, 1939
Published in New Century Leader. Carbon typescript. Related letters.