Box 4
Contains 41 Results:
"Honey Hunting in Angola." April, 1946
Published in Nature Magazine. Carbon typescript, 9 pages. 7 related letters.
"Voices and Virtues." January, 1940
Article. Published in The Improvement Era. Typescript, with minor corrections. 4 letters.
Behind Locked Doors. March, 1939
Easter play. Published in International Journal of Religious Education. 2 typescript copies. Note on producing the play. Related correspondence.
"Hell Week Boomerang." September 29, 1940
Published in Grit, story section, under pseudonym Joel Peters. Corrected typescript, 14 pages. Related correspondence.
In Spite of Prison. March, 1939
Easter Play. Published in The New Century Leader. Carbon typescript, 7 pages. Letter from publisher.
"Tiger on a Hill." June-July, 1945
Published in Nature Magazine. "Ghosted" as if by the author's husband, Joel Carl Welty. Carbon typescript, 10 pages. 7 letters.
"She Helps Men to a Fresh Start." May, 1943
Published in The Christian Science Monitor magazine. Carbon typescript, 7 pages, entitled "She makes the crooked straight." 2 letters.
The Light Shines, 1938
A Christmas Play. Published as a separate by David C. Cook Co. Carbon typescript entitled "The star rises." 5 related letters.
Saint Francis Spreads Christmas Joy, 1944
Play. Published as a separate by Row-Peterson. Carbon typescript. List of the songs, poems and chants. Author's contract. 3 letters.
A Candle for the Christmas Guest, 1945, 1946
Play. Published as a separate by Row-Peterson. Dramatization of Tolstoy's story, "Where Love Is, God Is." Also published in International Journal of Religious Education. 1946. Typescript, where the title "Christmas Flight" is also used, 8 pages. Typescript of "Come, Christmas Guest," a program which provides a setting for the play. 4 related letters.
"Island of Hope." June 19, 1948
Article. Published in Presbyterian Life. "Ghosted" by Susan Welty in her husband's name. 3 corrected typescript versions: 1. "International center of infectious good will", 15 pages. 2 -- 3. "Work campers help build a college". Typescript and carbon. 10 related letters.
"Manuel." February 6, 1937
Published in The Target, under pseudonym Joel Peters. Correspondence: 2 letters from publisher and 2 from author's father supplying information about Iowa Civil War regiments. Though imaginary, the story is based on the life of a citizen of Fairfield, Iowa. Appears in the same issue of The Target as the author's "Bird Banding".
"Holding and Releasing Speech." August 31, 1940
Article. Published in The Ave Maria. Corrected typescript, with a copy of publication.
"The man who invented MPH." July, 1957
Article. Published in Car Life. Carbon typescript entitled "Automotive pioneer: from speed to safety." 13 pages. 8 related letters. Copy of the publication. Copy of the privately-printed biography of A. P. Warner, edited by Susan Welty, entitled Making Things.
"Conservation by Common Consent." June, 1947
Article. Published in American Forests. Corrected carbon typescript, with bibliography, 11 pages. 17 related letters. Copy of publication.
"Little Mother of Men Behind Bars." January, 1946
Article. Published in Magazine Digest. Typescript, with inserts. 1 related letter. Copy of the publication.
"How to Write Your Own Christmas Pageant." November, 1937, 1938
Published in International Journal of Religious Education. Reprinted in Lutheran Herald, December 6. Correspondence, 11 letters. Copy of IJRE publication.
"Echoes of the Christmas Song." December, 1939
A Christmas service. Published in The Woman's Press. 2 typescript copies. Notes on the carols and the sources. 3 letters. Copy of the publication.
"Slavery Is Not Dead." March, 1946
Article. Originally published in This Month, under title "Portugal's slave colony." Reprinted in condensed version in Negro Digest, April 1946. One file is a copy of the Negro Digest article.
"Apprentice Game Manager." August 21-Octo+G106:Z106ber 16, 1937
Serial story. Published in The Epworth Herald in five installments. One letter. Copy of publication. (A story continuing "The Bird Banders", but based more upon the adventures of a Wisconsin student.)