Box 2
Contains 492 Results:
Papen, Franz von. Benzenhofen uber Ravensburg, Germany. June 16, 1952
TLS, 1 page
Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. New York, New York. June 18, 1952
TLS, 1 page
Viereck to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. January 29, 1938
See Ms V665le, no.31 TLS, 1 page (carbon copy)
Lundeen, Ernest. Washington, D.C. February 5, 1938
TLS, 1 page (See box 3, folder 7)
Thimme, Prof. Friedrich. Neubabelsberg, Germany? February 17, 1938
TLS, 2 pages
Thimme, Prof. Friedrich. Neubabelsberg, Germany? February 17, 1938
TL, copy, 2 pages
Wittels, Dr. Fritz. New York, New York. February 24, 1938
ALS (initialed only), 1 page
Lundeen, Ernest. Washington, D.C. February 2, 1938
TLS, 1 page (See box 3, folder 7)
Lundeen, Ernest. Washington, D.C. March 21, 1938
TLS, 1 page (See box 3, folder 7)
Lundeen, Ernest. Washington, D.C. April 8, 1938
TLS, 1 page (See box 3, folder 7)
Rumely, Edward A. New York, New York. April 8, 1938
TLS (initialed only), 1 page
Westover, O. Washington, D.C. April 18, 1938
TLS, 1 page
Wiseman, Sir William. New York, New York. April 2, 1938
TLS, 1 page
Bruning, Heinrich. Oxford, England. April 26, 1938
TLS, negative photostat, 2 pages
Menninger, Dr. Karl A. Topeka, Kansas. May 4, 1938
TLS, 1 page
Photocopies from unknown source, gift of Neil Johnson, 1924, 1925, 1927
Includes Wilhelm II. January 17, 1924. ALS (photocopy) 4 pages; Wilhelm II. December 3, 1925. Doorn. TLS. 8 pages. Photocopies; Wilhelm II. March 30, 1927. Doorn. TLS. 6 pages. Photocopies; Empress. June. TL. 1 page. Photocopy; Viereck to Empress. July 21, 1927. TL. 2 pages. Photocopies; Viereck to Empress. July 27, 1927. TL. 2 pages. Photocopies.
Barker, Elsa. New York, New York. June 7, 1938
TLS, 1 page