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Box 59


Contains 84 Results:

"Early Iowa and the Rock Island Railroad"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Early Iowa City Schools"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Early Life on the Great Plains" (two part series)

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Early Pacific Railroad and the Early History of St. Louis"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

Early Settlers in Anaconda

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Early Transcontinental Trips"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Early Transportation and the First Steamboat"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Elkanah Watson and the History and Growth of the Erie Canal" (2 copies)

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Emerson Hough" (2 copies)

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"The Empire of the West"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"The Evolution of Transportation"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Excursion Over Rock Island"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Famous Homes of Famous Men"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"Father Ryan"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"First Editorial Excursion, New York and Eastern Editors"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"The First Pacific Railway"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"A First Rail Trip Across the Continent in July 1869" (3 installments)

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"First Railroad in Montana"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"The First Railway to Reach Montana"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889

"The First Transcontinental Railway"

 File — Box: 59
Identifier: Sub- 2
Dates: 1850-1942; Majority of material found within 1860-1889