Box 7
Contains 8 Results:
Notebook 11, 1958-08-05 - 1958-09-02
80 p. holograph. Drafts of the short stories "Un Silbido en la Noche" and "Pasos en la Noche." An untitled television script. Notes for another untitled short story. Notes for another untitled television script. Miscellaneous notes for untitled stories and novels.
Notebook 12, 1958-09-04 - 1958-10-08
145 pages holograph. Preliminary notes and various drafts of chapters 1 and 2 of the projected novel Relleno de paja. Notes for an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.
Notebook 13A, 1958-10-17 - 1958-11-14
165 pages holograph. Notes and drafts for several untitled short stories. A draft of "El Portero," ca. 30 pages. A draft of "La(s) Barba(s) del Maldito," 28 pages. A draft of "Temporada en el Limbo," 14 pages.
Notebook 13B, 1958
71 p. holograph. Another draft of Relleno de Paja, 16 pages. More notes on an interview with Jorge Luis Borges. Various drafts of an article titled "Conversaciones con Borges." Miscellaneous jottings. Notes on "El Espectro de Hernandez." Notes and drafts on an article titled "Carta de Buenos Aires."
Notebook 14, 1958-11-15 - 1958-11-28
349 pages holograph. Various drafts of "Temporada en el Limbo." 28 pages and 38 pages. Various drafts of "Casa Particular," 34 pages. Notes on other novelists. Notes for a short story titled "La Casa del Gringo." Notes and ideas for new stories. Drafts of "El Charleston," 35 pages. A draft of "La Pieza Redonda," 49 pages. Various drafts of "Las Viboras," 13 pages and 38 pages. Notes and the beginning of "El Mentiroso." Several drafts of "El la Otra Casa" (later titled "La Puerta Cerrada), 27 pages.
Notebook 15, 1958-11-29 - 1959-02-09
340 pages holograph. A draft of "La Puerta [Cerrada]," 66 pages. Draft of "La Pelirroja." Notes on a collection of short stories. An outline of the short story "Mil Pesos." Several drafts of the short story "Quinientos Pesos," ca. 50 pages. Notes and drafts for a novel to consist of "La Casa," "El Parque, " "La Muerte, " and "El Entreacto." Beginning of a draft of "Las Casas de los Poetas." Miscellaneous notes. Preliminary notes for "El Nino en el Parque." Outline of "El Tio Gregorio," 6 pages. Preliminary notes for "Pasatiempos para Jubilados."
Notebook 16, 1959-03-14 - 1959-06-10
291 pages holograph. Notes, outline, and drafts of chapter 1 of the projected novel Tigre, Tigre. Initial ideas for El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche. Notes for "El Ultimo Azcotia." Notes and plot outline for El Tio Gregorio (a play), ca. 30 pages. Notes for "La Primera Linea de Fuego" and "Pasatiempo para Gente Civilizada." Preliminary notes for a projected novel titled Fin de Semana en la Quinta. Notes and plot outline for a play titled Las Virgenes Necias.
Notebook 17, 1959-06-10 - 1959-08-10
195 pages holograph. Plot outline for Las Argenes Necias, 28 pages. Notes and various drafts for "Paseo," ca. 75 pages. Material for Las Virgenes Necias (now as novel), 12 pages. Notes for the short story "Pasatiempo para Gente Clivilizada." Notes for "El Ultimo Azcoitia," a short story which later developed into El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche.