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Box 9


Contains 38 Results:

I-J, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Irwin, Robert; Jones, George W.; John, Donald; Jordan, Philip

Dates: 1971-1972

K-L, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Kotaska, Joanne Marie;  Klotzbach, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; Leahy, Robert D.; Leikvold, Sena Ruth; Lampe, Mrs. M. Willard; Loneman, Cathy

Dates: 1971-1972

M, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Moore, Kathy; Miller, Jon Randall; Miller, Elmer E.

Dates: 1971-1972

N-O, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Nelson, John C.; Niebuhr, Richard; Nagami, Isamu; Ordway, Robert K.;  Obermann, Heiko; O'Keefe, The Most Rev. Gerald

Dates: 1971-1972

P-R, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Peshkin, S. David; Presbyterian Ministers' Fund; Polman, Bertus F.;  Raber, Thomas; Rose, Karen; Ramige, Dr. Eldon A.

Dates: 1971-1972

S-Z, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Shoemaker, Rev. Wayne E.; Snavely, Eloise;  Stuit, Dewey B.; Schwengel, U.S. Rep. Fred; Sherman, Dr. Franklin;  Scaff, Alvin H.; Sawyer, Rev. Gerald F.;  Schramm, Frank;  Stenson, Kiernan F.

Dates: 1971-1972

T-V, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Taylor, Dr. Lynn F.; Tipton, Teresa M.; Van Dale, Robert L.; Vernon, David

Dates: 1971-1972

W-Z, 1971-1972

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Woods, Roger;  Wolf, Clinton D.;  Waterloo [Iowa] Jewish Charities;   Wezeman, Frederick; Walton, Charles;  Wagner, Rev. J. Richard

Dates: 1971-1972

A, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Adler, Philip; Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; Allen, Mary Frances; Atmosuwito, Subijantoro; Ahlstrom, Sydney

Dates: 1972-1973

B, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Butz, Rev. Harold E.;  Benjamin, Rev. Paul;  Biddle, John C.;  Boyd, Willard L.

Dates: 1972-1973

C, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Carpe, William D.;  Crownfield, David R.;  Clouse, Robert G.;  Chambers, George A.;  Caplan, Richard;  Clark, Ruth H.;  Collord, Dr. Paul;  Commission of Higher Education and Campus Ministry Iowa Conference, United Methodist Church

Dates: 1972-1973

D, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Duncan, Marvin; Davidson, Byron;  Duerksen, Harold; Dunlap, Rhodes; Doty, Bona

Dates: 1972-1973

E, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Engel, Robert; Ebner, James H.

Dates: 1972-1973

F, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Fate, Rev. Russell L.; Freedman, David Noel;  Forell, George W.;  Foley, Rev. Richard

Dates: 1972-1973

G, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Graham, Ronald; Garside, Charles, Jr.; Grewe, Sr. Dolores; Ginsburg, Tillie (Jewish Chautauqua Society); Gibson, Richard E.; Gerber, John;   Griffin, Bonnie Riche; Guralnik, Mr. and Mrs. David

Dates: 1972-1973

H, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Horton, Frank E.;  Hanlin, Frank S.; Hong, Henry; Hagerman, Mike; Heidel, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; Heffner, Ray; Heinsen, Robert B.;  Holesha, W.

Dates: 1972-1973

I-J, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

John, Donald; Jackson, Frederick;  Johnson, Rev. Don R.;  Jewell, Stan

Dates: 1972-1973

K, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Kaufman, Stephen;   Kelly, William Doane; Klotzbach, Mr. and Mrs. W.G.; Kress, Lavona; King, Rev. Paul H.

Dates: 1972-1973

L, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

Libbey, Rev. Scott; Larson, Gerald J.; Langan, Daniel; Lewis, Warren;  Lindberg, Carter

Dates: 1972-1973

M, 1972-1973

 File — Box: 9
Identifier: Sub- 3
Scope and Contents

McDonough, Walter;  Menlo, Sam; Moeller, Rev. George;  Murphy, Jean M.; Miller, Elmer E.

Dates: 1972-1973