Le Fil du Miroir / Hauc, Jean-Claude ; Sarthou, Claude ; DeMarco J., 1980
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Scope and Contents
Jean-Claude Hauca was born in 1949. Apres des etudes de Lettres à Montpellier, il publie ses premiers textes en 1975 dans la revue Entailles. Following studies in literature at Montpellier, he published his first texts in 1975 in the journal notches. L'annee suivante, il fonde avec d'autres jeunes ecrivains (Bernard Teulon-Nouailles, Anne-Marie Jeanjean et Jean-Marie de Crozals) Textuerre, une revue litteraire exigeante faisant aussi la part belle aux arts plastiques, dont il sera l'un des maitres d'Å“uvre jusqu'à sa dissolution en 1992 (70 numeros parus). The following year he founded with other young writers (Bernard Teulon-Noailles, Anne-Marie Jeanjean and Jean-Marie de Crozals) Textuerre, a literary journal by demanding too heavily loaded with fine arts, which will be the One of the contractors until its dissolution in 1992 (70 issues). Durant cette periode, il se lie avec d'autres ecrivains animateurs de revues : Dominique Labarriere (Rue Reve), Christian Prigent, Jean-Pierre Verheggen"¦ (TXT), Frederic JM Bergounioux (Dirty), Gerard-Georges Lemaire (L'ennemi), Alain Frontier (Tartalacreme) etc., avec lesquels il participe à de nombreuses lectures de textes, ouvrages collectifs et manifestations de l'avant-garde litteraire. During this period, he befriended other writers, animators journals: Dominique Labarriere (Dream Street), Christian Prigent, Jean-Pierre Verheggen ... (TXT), Frederick JM Bergounioux (Dirty), Gerard-Georges Lemaire (The enemy ), Alain Frontier (Tartalacreme) etc.. with which he participated in many readings of texts, anthologies and manifestations of the avant-garde literature. Jean-Claude Hauc publie egalement alors ses premiers ouvrages : Le fil du miroir, 1980 ; Langue negre, 1981 ; Necromancer machine, 1983 ; Roman du plus mort que vif, 1984. Jean-Claude Hauca then publishes its first books: The lead of the mirror, 1980; Language negro, 1981; Necromancer machine, 1983; Romance of more dead than alive, 1984. Il redige des textes sur la litterature et collabore à diverses revues sur les arts plastiques (Art Press, Artension, Pictura, Spirales, etc.). He writes about literature and contributes to various journals on the arts (Art Press, Artension, Pictura, spirals, etc..). Il noue des liens solides avec plusieurs artistes qui illustrent ses livres ou pour lesquels il redige des textes de catalogue : Serge Lunal, Daniel Dezeuze, Christian Jaccard, Ladislas Kijno, Mathias Perez, etc. He had developed strong relationships with several artists to illustrate his books or for which he wrote texts Catalogue Lunal Serge Daniel Dezeuze, Christian Jaccard, Ladislas Kijno Mathias Perez, etc.. En 1985, il rencontre Gerard Fabre qui vient de fonder Cadex editions à qui il confiera desormais la plupart de ses ouvrages: Erratiques, 1985; Les macchabs vites, 1988; Fragments d'un meurtre, 1991, etc. In 1985 he met Gerard Fabre, newly founded Cadex editions that he now confided most of his works: Erratic, 1985 The Maccabees not delay 1988 Fragments of a Murder, 1991 etc.. Ces romans, souvent apres et violents, ont inspire à Philippe Lekeuche ce jugement eclairant: "L'essentiel chez Hauc reside dans l'ecriture et sa dynamique, acte en tension vers sa primitivite sauvage qui remue le ventre du texte et s'y traduit en epopee. L'economie qui anime son ecrit realise une poetique de l'extreme, s'efforce de cerner quelque chose qui n'a pas de fin, litteralement un infini se depliant monstrueusement dans les limites de notre condition. Comme si le texte nous posait la question suivante: des lors qu'elle outrepasse ce que nous croyons etre, que peut, à la fin, la litterature?". These novels often bitter and violent, have inspired this decision Philippe Lekeuche enlightening: "The key lies in Hauca in writing and dynamic tension to act in its primitive wilderness that stirs the belly of the text and translates it into an epic.'s economy that drives his writing performs a poetics of the extreme, trying to identify something that has no end, literally an infinite unfolding monstrously within our condition. As if the text we posed the following question: if it exceeds what we believe to be that may, at the end, the literature? ". Au milieu des annees 90, Jean-Claude Hauc commence à s'interesser aux auteurs libertins et aux aventuriers du XVIIIe siecle auxquels il consacrera plusieurs livres : Casanova et la belle Montpellieraine (Cadex), Ange Goudar, un aventurier des Lumieres (Honore Champion), etc. In the mid-90s, Jean-Claude Hauca became interested in sponsoring adventurers and libertines of the eighteenth century to which he devoted several books: Casanova and the beautiful Montpellier (Cadex), Angel Goudar, an adventurer of the Enlightenment (Honore Champion) etc.. Depuis 1999, il collabore regulierement à la revue L'intermediaire des casanovistes (Geneve). Since 1999, he contributes regularly to the journal via The Casanovas (Geneva). -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
- Creation: 1980
0 See container summary (1 soft cover book (34 pages)) ; 25 x 18.2 x .6 cm
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Physical Location
shelf alphabeti
Custodial History
The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, on loan from Ruth and Marvin A. Sackner and the Sackner Family Partnership.
Published: Les Mages, France : Graphium. Nationality of creator: French. General: About 330 total copies. About 145 number copy. General: Added by: CONV; updated by: RED.
Genre / Form
Repository Details
Part of the The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry Repository
125 W. Washington St.
Main Library
Iowa City Iowa 52242 United States