Artist book (citation)
Found in 843 Collections and/or Records:
The Book Art of Richard Minsky / Minsky, Richard ; Bright B., 2011
The text by Richard Minsky describes his history and background in his work as an academic economist, printer, bookbinder and founder of The Center for Book Arts. The book includes photographs of most of his unique major bookbindings and book series. Works held by the Sackner Archive with images reproduced in this book include "Minsky in Bed" with the unique leatherand copulating figures binding and the box container made like a bed ad well as a set of "The Bill of Rights" amd "Minsky in London." Betty Bright wrote the foreword. The cover image of this book is taken from Minsky's "The Firdt Amendment." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Book As Art: Artists' Books from the National Museum of Women in the Arts: Second Edition / Wasserman, Krystyna, editor ; Barton CJ ; Bennett M ; Bentivoglio M ; Butler F ; Chen J ; Chiarlone R ; Colby S ; Coron B ; Davidson L ; Drucker J ; Echevarria-Myers JA ; Gut E ; Jackman S ; Johnson L ; Kalmbach A ; Khlebnikov V ; King S ; Korf K ; Laxson R ; Leavitt N ; Lorenz A ; Lukac J ; Lyons J ; Oleszko P ; Presser E ; Satin CJ ; Share S ; Sharoff S ; Shenk G ; Sligh C ; Smith K ; Stevens G ; Todaro C ; Sackner MA ; Sackner RK ; Weier D ; Groat J., 2011
Krystyna Wasserman writes in her essay "The Brightest Heaven of Invention" that "Among private collections, the Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry in Miami, Florida has been a source of continual revelation and several acquisitions, including "Unfinished Sympony" by Elena Presser." Many book artists included in this book are also held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Book as Art / Worland, Gayle., 2005
Stored in box with Hamady material. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Book as Object / Gojowczyk, Hubertus ; Schmalenbach W., 2005
The Sackners attended this exhibition that consisted of mostly magnificats book objects. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Book of the Art of Artists' Books, 1979
The exhibition was based upon the "Metamorphoses des Kunstlerbuches" that was presented as part of Documenta VI in 1977 in Kassel, West Germany. The text was written in German by Rolf Dittmar and translated to English and Farsi for this catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Case for the Burial of Ancestors, 1991
The Cathedral Book / Davidson, Laura., 1988
The Century of Artists' Books / Drucker, Johanna ; And M ; Andre C ; Bernstein C ; Broaddus JE ; Chopin H ; Ely T ; Higgins D ; Laxson R ; Lemaitre M ; Mabe J ; Noel A ; Ernst M ; Phillips T ; Roth D ; Smith K ; Williams E ; Acconci V ; Alatalo S ; Albert-Birot P ; Antin E ; Apollinaire G ; Anselmo G ; Art & Language ; Aubertin D ; Baker S ; Barry R ; Bayer H ; Bee S ; Beube D ; Blaine J ; Blake W ; Bohn W ; Boltanski C ; Bowlt J ; Brecht G ; Broodthaers M ; Butler F ; Burke B ; Cage J ; Campbell K ; Carrion U ; Caws MA ; Celant G ; Chance K ; Chen J ; Compton S ; Crombie J ; Cutts S ; Darboven H ; Davids B ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; DeCoster M ; Delaunay S ; Denes A ; Depero F ; Derrida J ; Deschamps F ; Dibbets J ; DiPalma R ; Duchamp M ; Duke JH ; Dwiggens W ; Ehrenberg F ; Eluard P ; Ernst M ; Fahrner B ; Ferrari L ; Flynt H ; Frank P ; Freeman B ; Fulton H ; Furnival J ; Gallo P ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gette PA ; Gins M ; Giorno J ; Godard K ; Gilbert & George ; Grant Sk ; Grenier R ; Hamady W ; Mayer HJ ; Hausmann R ; Heartfield J ; Heidsieck B ; Hoch H ; Hoffberg J ; Hofstra S ; Hompson DD ; Hubert RR ; Huebler D ; Hyde S ; Iliazd( ; Ingmire T ; Ionesco E ; Isou I ; Jaar A ; Janecek G ; Johnston A ; Jones J ; Jorn A ; Kahn D ; Kalmbach A ; Kamenski V ; Kelly M ; Kelm D ; King R ; King S ; Klein Y ; Knowles A ; Kolar J ; Kostelanetz R ; Kosuth J ; Kriwet F ; Kruchenykh A ; Kyle H ; Lacy S ; Lane B ; Latham J ; Lavater W ; LeGac J ; Lederman SB ; Lehrer W ; LeWitt S ; Ligorano N ; Lippard L ; Lissitzky E ; Lista G ; Lohr H ; Long R ; Lyons J ; Lyssiotis P ; Maciunas G ; Malevich K ; Mallarme S ; Mallock WH ; Marinetti FT ; Markov V ; Masereel F ; Massin R ; Matsutani ; Mayakovsky V ; McCarney S ; McCaffery S ; McVarish E ; Meador C ; Melo E Castro EM ; Merz M ; Michaels D ; Minsky R ; Moeglin-Delcroix A ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Moore B ; Morgan R ; Mullican M ; Munari B ; Nannucci M ; Nauman B ; Nichol bp ; Nuttall J ; Paolozzi E ; Paschall JA ; Pawson M ; Penrose R ; Perloff M ; Phillpot C ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Piper A ; Pomeroy J ; Pomerand G ; Porter B ; Pound E ; Prince R ; Rainwater R ; Reese H ; Richman G ; Rimbaud A ; Rosler M ; Rothenberg J ; Ruscha E ; Rowe W ; Rutkovsky P ; Sackner MA ; Sackner RK ; Sanders E ; Samaras L ; Saussure F ; Schneemann C ; Schwitters K ; Seaman D ; Siegelaub S ; Smith K ; Solt ME ; Spector B( ; Spencer H ; Spiro N ; Stairs D ; Sterne L ; Stokes T ; Douglas H ; Tatlin V ; Taylor T ; Trusky T ; Tschichold J ; Tzara T ; VanDoesburg T ; VanHorn E ; Voss J ; Vostell W ; Waldrop K ; Waldrop R ; Warhol A ; Was E ; Weiner L ; Werkman HN ; Willats S ; Williams E ; Wirth K ; Young K ; Zelevansky P ; Zimmerman P ; Zwart P ; Zwicker T ; Zweig J., 1995
This is a scholarly work which analyzes the artist book in several contexts including the book as idea and form, early 20th century avant-garde books, the codex, the book as a visual form, books as verbal exploration, and the book as document. The Sackner Arcvhive is mentioned in a footnote and as a major source of Johanna Druckers collected works. Drucker provides classification of artist books through headings and examples throughout this book but omits listing them in a tabular form for easy access. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Contemporary Artist's Book: The Book As Art / Fish, Adrienne, curator ; Cage J ; Higgins D ; Spoerri D ; Weiner L ; Finlay IH ; Roth D ; Takahashi S ; Darboven H ; Depew W ; Jess ; Berman W ; Butler F ; Fritzius H., 1993
This is a listing of works with prices. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Cutting Edge of Reading: Artists' Books / Hubert, Renee Riese ; Hubert, Judd D. ; Albert-Birot P ; Staritsky A ; Alechinsky P ; Anderson H ; Apollinaire G ; Arp H ; Reese H ; Artaud A ; Barton CJ ; Beckett S ; Ionesco E ; Benoit PA ; Blake W ; Boltanski C ; Meador C ; Bory JF ; Solt ME ; Bourne S ; Breton A ; Broaddus JE ; Broel E ; Broodthaers M ; Brunner H ; Bury S ; Butor M ; Cage J ; Perloff M ; Carrion U ; Carroll L ; Chen J ; Chopin H ; Crombie J ; Sharoff S ; Dautricourt J ; Dorny B ; Deguy M ; Delaunay S ; Derrida J ; Douglas H ; Drucker J ; Dubuffet J ; Duchamp M ; Ely T ; Ernst M ; Hamady W ; Fahrner B ; Filliou R ; Fine J ; Finlay IH ; Fisher R ; King R ; Freeman B ; Lehrer W ; Gadella R ; Gerz J ; Golden A ; Guillevic E ; Iliazd ; Holzer J ; Jabes E ; Jarry A ; King S ; Koch P ; Kruger B ; Kyle H ; Laxson R ; LeWitt S ; Lichtenstein R ; Ligorano N ; Lyons J ; McCaffery S ; McCarney S ; Mallarme S ; Mansour J ; Masson A ; Mathieu D ; Messager A ; Moeglin-Delcroix A ; Nannucci M ; Schwitters K ; Noel B ; Osborn K ; Padgett R ; Penck A ; Phillips T ; Phillpot C ; Picasso P ; Piombino N ; Polkinhorn H ; Smith WJ ; Queneau R ; Reese M ; Rimbaud A ; Roth D ; Rothenberg J ; Ruscha E ; Newell P ; Sligh C ; Smith K ; Spector B ; Stein G ; Stokes T ; Strugalla J ; Tapies A ; Kafka F ; Tuttle R ; Twombly C ; Joyce J ; VanHorn E ; Weiner L ; Zdanevich I ; Zimmerman P ; Zumthor P ; Zweig E ; Lohr H ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; Zelevansky P., 1999
The authors include lengthy discussions of the bookworks of Tom Phillips, Elisabeth Broel, Harry Reese, Ruth Laxson, Paul Zelevansky, Henri Chopin, Joelle Dautricourt, John-Eric Broaddus, and Scott McCarney among others. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The First Ache / Dettmer, Brian; Schierlitz, Tom., 2008
Dettmer made the artist book, Schierlitz was the photographer and the author of this article about the beginning of pain is Annie Murphy Paul. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Future of the Book of the Future / Rubini, Gail, curator ; Gleber, Conrad, curator ; Wilson M ; McCarney S ; Phillpot C ; Rutkovsky P ; Peters R., 1994
This catalog is concerned with the various forms book of the future. The constantly changing exhibition will travel until 2000, including an opening at the Miami Book Fair in 1995. Kim MacQueen contributes an essay which examines the format of the book from manuscript to CD-ROM in the exhibition. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Library / Kopystiansky, Svetlana ; Carroll L., 1994
This catalogue depicts several sculptural installations composed of stacked, opened, rolled, or inter-woven books. Their visual appearance is related to a theme from a page of these books that is reproduced in the catalog. One of the pages depicting the mouse's tail is taken from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Library of Babel and Other Works / Spector, Buzz., 1989
The Looking Book: A Pocket History of Circle Press 1967--1996 / Courtney, Cathy, editor ; King R ; Christie J ; Fisher R ; Furnival A ; Furnival J ; Phillips T ; Ackerman M ; Tyson I ; Clark TA ; Rothenberg J ; Eigner L ; Cutts S ; Lurie T., 1996
Cathy Courtney researched the history and developments of the Circle Press by its creator, Ron King. She wrote this book as part of the London Institute's Research Project "The Art of the Book 1960 to the Present Day" based at Camberwell College of Arts in collaboration with the Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. The opening section describes Ron King's background, how he started the press and his relationships with collaborating artists. Following chapters describe specific bookworks including the following held by the Sackner Archive: Scenes from the Alphabet, posters and pamphlets, Bluebeard's Castle, Sports et Divertissements, The White Alphabet and Anansi Company. The Circle Press Books are well documented and illustrated throughout this artistically presented volume . -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Position of the Author / Spector, Buzz., 1993
The Reader / Gordon, Coco., 1988
This book consists of a listing and annotation of most of Gordon's bookworks. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Story of the Colourful Ribbons 1987-1994 / Perneczky, Geza ; Cage J ; Ruch G ; Fricker H ; Schraenen G ; Jacob JP ; Hoffberg J ; Sackner MA ; Sackner RK ; Silverman G ; Silverman L ; Crozier R ; Petasz P ; Kocman JH ; Sohm H., 2003
Perneczky bound 24 books with colored ribbons based on fractal theory. He chose the number 24 as an homage to J.S. Bach's "Well Tempered Clavichord." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.