Critical text
Found in 3304 Collections and/or Records:
The New York Cruciform Lectionary / Anderson, Jeffrey C.., 1992
Each page of this Gospel lectionary, currently in the Pierpont Morgan Library, was copied by scribes in the form of a cross. It is one of three manuscripts made in Constantinople around the middle of the twelth century and the only one that contains narrative illustrations. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Objectivist Nexus: Essays in Cultural Poetics / DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, editor ; Quartermain, Peter, editor ; Altieri C ; Bernstein C ; Crozier A ; DuPlessis RB ; Quartermain P ; Zukofsky L ; Oppen G ; Bunting B ; Niedecker L ; Olson C ; Ashbery J ; Duncan R ; Pound E ; Adorno T ; Andrews B ; Barthes R ; Bataille G ; Berrigan T ; Cendrars B ; Creeley R ; cummings ee ; Derrida J ; Eshleman C ; Ginsberg A ; Grenier R ; Hejinian L ; Howe S ; Joyce J ; Jacob M ; Lewis WP ; Lucie-Smith E ; Lyotard JF ; Mallarme S ; Perelman B ; Perloff M ; Picabia F ; Ponge F ; Rimbaud A ; Rothenberg J ; Silliman R ; Stein G ; Tzara T ; Waldrop R ; Yeats WB., 1999
The Old Poetries and the New / Kostelanetz, Richard ; Abulafia A ; Acconci V ; Albert-Birot P ; Aldridge A ; Amirkhanian C ; Anderson B ; Apollinaire G ; Artaud A ; Ashbery J ; Atchley D ; Ball H ; Barreto-Rivera R ; Beckett S ; Belloli C ; Berio L ; Berkson B ; Berrigan T ; Birney E ; bissett b ; Bory JF ; Brainard J ; Brau JL ; Bonset I ; Brecht G ; Bremer C ; Brown B ; Burke K ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; DeCampos H ; Carra C ; Carroll L ; Celan P ; Chopin H ; Cobbing B ; Cocteau J ; Colombo JR ; Coolidge C ; Corso G ; Creeley R ; cummings ee ; Dickey J ; DiPalma R ; VanDoesburg T ; Dohl R ; Doria C ; Duchamp M ; Dufrene F ; Dutton P ; Essary L ; Fahlstrom O ; Feldman M ; Ferlinghetti L ; Finlay IH ; Four Horsemen ; Fuller B ; Furnival J ; Gaburo K ; Gangemi K ; Ginsberg A ; Giorno J ; Gnazzo A ; Gomringer E ; Graham D ; Gross R ; Gysin B ; Hanson S ; Hausmann R ; Heidsieck B ; Hayakawa S ; Herbert G ; Herman J ; Higgins D ; Hollander J ; Houedard DS ; Huelsenbeck R ; Indiana R ; Johns J ; Johnson BE ; Johnson R ; Johnson T ; Kaprow A ; Kitasono K ; Kern B ; Khlebnikov V ; Klintberg B ; Kriwet F ; Kruchenykh A ; Lamantia P ; Lax R ; Lucier A ; Lurie T ; McCaffery S ; McClure M ; MacLow J ; McLuhan M ; Magritte R ; Marcus A ; Markov V ; Marinetti FT ; Mathews H ; Mayakovsky V ; Merton T ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Morgan E ; Morgenstern C ; Mottram E ; Nichol bp ; Nims J ; Novak L ; Ockerse T ; O'Gallagher L ; O'Huigin S ; Olson C ; Owens R ; Phillips MJ ; Phillips T ; Patchen K ; Pietri P ; Pignatari D ; Plath S ; Pound E ; Pritchard NH-II ; Quasha G ; Rahmmings K ; Rasof H ; Reich S ; Robson E ; Rothenberg J ; Roussel R ; Saroyan A ; Schafer RM ; Scheerbart P ; Schlossberg E ; Schwerner A ; Schwitters K ; Scobie S ; Sharits P ; Smith WJ ; Snodgrass W ; Solt ME ; Spoerri D ; Stein C ; Stein G ; Stern G ; Thomas D ; Truck F ; Tschichold J ; Tudor D ; Updike J ; Valery P ; DeVree P ; Weiner L ; Wendt L ; Wieners J ; Wildman E ; Williams E ; Williams J ; Wolman G ; Xisto P ; Yeats W ; Young L ; Zelevansky P ; Zukofsky L., 1981
This book is a collection of essays that Kostelanetz had previously published. An exposition of Dan Graham's schema is published on pages 143-145. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The One, The Same & The Other / Taylor, Thomas Lowe., 1993
The Order of Things: Scottish sound, pattern and concrete poetry / Cockburn, Ken, editor ; Finlay, Alec, editor ; Clark TA ; Morgan E ; DeVries H ; Riddell A ; Khlebnikov V ; Jandl E ; Gomringer E ; Leonard T ; Gorman R ; Rose D ; Henderson K ; Morgan P ; Murray J ; Rabelais ; DeVries H ; Finlay A ; Finlay IH ; Drummond W ; Stephen I ; Dunning C ; Braga E ; Houedard DS ; Bellingham D ; Reid A ; Woods A ; MacDiarmid H ; Fowler A ; Vicuna C., 2001
The Other's Writing / Lehmann, Pablo ; Rodrigo Alonso, curator., 2011
Lehmann cuts small capital letters of Spanish texts on paper and creates two and three dimensional unique works. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Oxford Illlustrated History of English Literature / Rogers, Pat, editor ; Phillips T., 1987
Two pages of "A Humument" by Tom Phillips are reproduced in the section "Mid-Twentieth-Century Literature." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Path of the Names by Araham ben Samuel Abulafia / Meltzer, David, editor ; Hirschman J ; Finkel B ; Meltzer D., 1976
Also designated Tree: 4. In Hirschman's chapter, he presents a partial calligraphic rendition of his translation of Abulafia's poems -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Pearl / Hirschman, Jack A., introducer., 1967
This book consists of erotic stories from a magazine with the same title written during Victorian England. An introductory essay was written by Hirschman. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Pictured Word / Heusser, Martin, editor ; Cluver, Claus, editor ; Hoek, Leo, editor ; Weingarden, Lauren, editor ; Vos E ; Kac E ; Kolar J ; Vroom I ; Maurus H ; Dohl R ; Bory JF ; Garnier P ; Jandl E ; Finlay IH ; Gomringer E ; Ruhm G ; Xisto P ; Solt ME ; Landi L ; Pignatari D ; Apollinaire G ; Menezes P ; Lijn L ; Gappmayr H ; Porter B ; Carroll L ; Hirsal J ; Williams E ; Sabatier R ; Pinto LA ; Mayer P ; Furnival J ; Sa N ; Azeredo R ; Houedard DS ; DeSa A ; Evans D ; Pannard CF ; Klee P ; Edeline F ; deArimathea J ; Nadar ; Schoell-Glass C., 1998
Cluver contributed an essay, "On Representation in Concrete and Semiotic Poetry." Eric Vos wrote about "Visual Literature and Semiotic Conventions." Eduardo Kac's wrote on "Holopoetry and Hyperpoetry." Charlotte Schoell-Glas contributed "The Medium is the Message: Ian Hamilton Finlay's Garden Little Sparta,"an essay that reviewed the political side of Finlay's work. David Scott described the postage stamps of Donald Evans in "Semiotics and Ideology in Mixed Messages: The Postage Stamp."Cluver focuses on the word, "Ekphrasis" defined by some as "the verbal representation of graphic representation." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Piety of Terror: Ian Hamilton Finlay, the Modernist Fragment, and the Neo-classical Sublime / Scroggins, Mark; MacDiarmid H; Finlay IH., 2002
The Playful Eye / Rothenstein, Julian, editor ; Gooding, Mel, editor., 1999
This book presents colored reproductions of ancient visual games, optical illusions, rebuses, and puzzles along with explanations. Fanciful maps are depicted on pages 8, 10, 28, 29, 30, 32, -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Pleasures of Necessity / Nuttall, Jeff., 1988
This is a montage of polemic and poetic fiction that calls into question the whole aim and structure of civilisation since the beginning of history, advocating a new, more creative and less frightened human mode of behaviour. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Plight of the French Illustrated Book Today / Coron, Antoine; Iliazd; Dupont A; Crombie J; Bourne S., 1986
The Poet as the Letter C: some wrtings on Bob Cobbing / Sheppard, Robert ; Cobbing B., 1995
The Poetic In(ter)vention , 1987
This book records Aguiar's philosophy about concrete and performance poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Poetics of Experiment: A Study of the Work of Georges Perec / Motte, Warren Jr. ; Queneau R ; Perec G., 1984
The author writes that this study was intended as an introduction to the work of Georges Perec and was designed to accompany a reading of his texts. Motte attempts to develop the outline of a post-modern literary career and to present a coherent exposition of Perec's poetic theory. He organized the study into the following chapters: formal constraint, autoreference, the game, description, the letter, dream and memory, and metaliterature. It includes 22 texts from 1965 to 1981. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Poetics of Indeterminacy, 1981
In this book, Perloff traces the history of modern poetry mainly through such poets as Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Sanuel Beckett, John Ashbery, David Antin and John Cage. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Poetry Circus / Coblentz, Stanton ; Patchen K ; cummings ee ; Pound E ; Olson C ; Duncan R ; Finlay IH ; Blazek D., 1967
Coblentz expresses highly negative feelings about contemorary poets writing experimental and concrete poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Politics of Poetic Form / Bernstein, Charles, editor ; Rothenberg J ; Andrews B ; Waldrop R ; Brossard N ; Silliman R ; Howe S ; MacLow J ; Inman P ; Weiner H., 1990
Internet: THE POLITICS OF POETIC FORM: POETRY AND PUBLIC POLICY is a series of essays from a discussion that occurred at the New School for Social Research in New York. The discussion mines the relationship between poetic composition and political expression. Poetry's relationship to public policy typically has a questionable margin of relation. Not only does this volume posit that poetry is a dynamic medium for the consideration of political ideas, it focuses on the ideological weight specific formal innovations bring to poetry. Some of the writers include Jerome Rothenberg, Ron Silliman, Susan Howe, Nathaniel Mackey and Charles Bernstein. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.