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Critical text

Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 3310 Collections and/or Records:

Chorus: romanzo per voci a battuta libera, 1990

Identifier: CC-38496-40404
Scope and Contents

This book is a score for performance and sound poetry. The compact disc by Fontana entitled "Il gioco delle voci" consists of three tracks of sound poems. These feature words, utterances and multiple voices. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1990

Chronographie Terrestre (Work in Progress) / Haack, Horst ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA., 1999

Identifier: CC-32673-34259
Scope and Contents

This catalogue lists the Sackner Archive in collections holding Haack's work. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1999

Cinerama, 1982

 Item — Box 315: [Barcode: 31858072490836]
Identifier: CC-24548-25001

Circumnavigazione 4: Sottosuolo Del Linguaggio / Binga T ; Conte V ; Guardi S ; Xerra W., 1989

Identifier: CC-17121-17479
Scope and Contents

Exhibition was curated by Filiberto Menna & Francisco Gallo. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1989

Classic American Graffiti (reprint) / Read, Allan ; Aman R., 1977

Identifier: CC-50834-71912
Scope and Contents

This book was initially published in an edition of 75 copies in 1935. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1977

Clip Stamp Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magaines 196X to 197X / Colomina, Beatriz, editor ; Buckley, Craig, editor ; Sky A ; Bois YA ; Bann S ; Cook P ; Steadman P ; Aubert J ; Lissitzky E ; Ranier A ; Samaras L ; Finlay IH ; Valoch J ; Biederman C ; Rodchenko A., 2010

Identifier: CC-59122-10002242
Scope and Contents "An explosion of little architectural magazines in the 1960s and 1970s instigated a radical transformation in architectural culture, as the magazines acted as a site of innovation and debate. Clip/Stamp/Fold takes stock of seventy little magazines from this period. The book brings together a remarkable range of documents and original research which the project has produced during its continuous travels over the last four years starting with the exhibition at the Storefront in November 2006. The book features transcripts from the "Small Talks" events in which editors and designers were invited to discuss their magazines; a stocktaking of over 100 significant issues that tracks the changing density and progression of the little magazine phenomenon; transcripts of more than forty interviews with magazine editors and designers from all over the world; a selection of magazine facsimiles; and a fold out poster that offers a mosaic image of more than 1,200 covers examined...
Dates: 2010

Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word / Bernstein, Charles, editor ; Andrews B ; Drucker J ; McCaffery S ; Perloff M ; Silliman R ; Apollinaire G ; Marinetti FT ; Tzara T ; Morgenstern C ; Kamensky V ; Picabia F ; Hausmann R ; Lemaitre M ; Gomringer E ; MacLow J ; Hatherly A ; Howe S ; Rasula J ; O'Sullivan M ; Retallack J ; Nichol bp ; Carroll L ; Lewis WP ; Antin D ; Watten B ; Pound E ; Quartermain P., 1998

Identifier: CC-32053-33587
Scope and Contents

The editor states that the 17 essays in this book are concerned with poetry readings, the sound of poetry and the visual performance of poetry. They "offer original and wide-ranging elucidations of how twentieth-century poetry has been practiced as a performance art." Johanna Drucker contributed a chapter titled "Visual Performances of the Poetic Text" in which she describes and illustrates several poems of early 20th century visual poetry movements including an in depth analysis of "Poesie de mots inconnus" by Iliazd, a book that is held by the Sackner Archive. A listing of audio resources and a bibliography are included. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1998

Codex Seraphinianus, Hallucinatory Encyclopedia / Schwenger, Peter; Serafini JL; Mallarme S; Borges J., 2001

Identifier: CC-36938-38771
Scope and Contents

Schwenger provides a critical analysis of the book, "Codex Seraphinianus" by Luigi Serafini (a work held by the Sackner Archive) . -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2001

Coincidence in the Work of Ian Hamilton Finlay / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1980

Identifier: CC-12532-12760
Scope and Contents

This catalogue, that was written by Christopher McIntosh, provides a long critical essay. He mentions the runic symbol of the SS as an example which evolved from the interchangeable f's and s's in the 18th century symbolizing grace, elegance and high culture. He notes that Finlay's interest in the SS symbol is an example of coincidence, for this has passed into the visual symbology of "pop" culture; the rock group "Kiss" use it and it is frequently scrawled as grafitti. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1980

Collaborations / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Bann S ; Scobie S ; Hall D ; Orvell M ; Raine K ; Fine J., 1977

Identifier: CC-11752-11970
Scope and Contents

This book consists of a collection of the following essays. Raines contributed a poem about Stonypath. Bann discussed Heroic Emblems by Finlay (designated Picture Poems in the Sackner Archive). Douglas Hall wrote of Finlay's collaboration with Jud Fine in their series of 20 drawings. Miles Orvell analyzed Finlay's "Pacific." Scobie provided an essay on Finlay's picture poem, "Homage to Kahnweiler." Finlay created a pun on Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler's critical book on Juan Gris "Life" and "Work" with the caption Juan Gris: His "Knife" and "Fork." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1977

Collaborations / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Bann S ; Scobie S ; Hall D ; Orvell M ; Raine K ; Fine J., 1977

Identifier: CC-12537-12765
Scope and Contents

Raines contributes a poem about Stonypath. Bann discusses Heroic Emblems by Finlay (designated Picture Poems in the Sackner Archive). Douglas Hall writes of Finlay's collaboration with Jud Fine in their series of 20 drawings. Miles Orvell analyzes Finlay's "Pacific." Scobie provides an essay on Finlay's picture poem, "Homage to Kahnweiler." Finlay creates a pun on Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler's critical book on Juan Gris "Life" and "Work" with the caption Juan Gris: His "Knife" and "Fork." Pencilled-in corrections in an unknown hand have been made for two typographic errors, 'r' for 't' on page 7 to change the word 'takes' to 'rakes' and 'n' for 'r' to change the name 'Gallard' to 'Galland.' -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1977

Collage Unglued / Benes BL ; Chiarlone R ; Knapp D ; Presser E ; Riveron E ; Tawney L ; Trasobares C., 1991

Identifier: CC-17610-17978
Scope and Contents

Exhibition was curated by Bernice Steinbaum. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1991

Collage / Wescher, Herta ; Robert E. Wolf, translator ; Albers J ; Altman N ; Annenkov Y ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Baader J ; Baj E ; Balla G ; Baumeister W ; Bayer H ; Bellmer H ; Bergmann E ; Berlewi H ; Berman M ; Biederman C ; Blake P ; Boccioni U ; Breton A ; Bryen C ; Cangiullo F ; Carra C ; Delaunay R ; Delaunay S ; Dali S ; Depero F ; Dine J ; Dubuffet J ; Duchamp M ; Dufrene F ; Eluard P ; Ernst M ; Exter A ; Farfa ; Fillia ; Gascoyne D ; Golyscheff J ; Gris J ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Henry M ; Hoch H ; Huelsenbeck R ; Huidobro V ; Iliazd ; Itten J ; Janco M ; Johns J ; Joostens P ; Kandinsky V ; Kassak L ; Hoffmeister A ; Khlebnikov V ; Klee P ; Kliun I ; Kruchenykh A ; Leger F ; Magritte R ; Mayakovsky V ; Malevich K ; Ray M ; Mansouroff P ; Marinetti FT ; Michel R ; Mesens E ; Miro J ; Morgenstern C ; Munari B ; Nebel O ; Pannaggi I ; Penrose R ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Piper J ; Popova L ; Puni I ; Prampolini E ; Prevert J ; Rauschenberg R ; Restany P ; Reinhardt A ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Richter H ; Rodchenko A ; Roh F ; Rozanova O ; Russolo L ; Schad C ; Schlemmer O ; Schwitters K ; Segall L ; Severini G ; Sironi M ; Soffici A ; Soupault P ; Spoerri D ; Stenberg G ; Stenberg V ; Styrsky J ; Survage L ; Sutnar L ; Teige K ; Torres-Garcia J ; Tzara T ; VanDoesburg T ; Vesnin A ; Vordemberge-Gildewart F ; Werkman HN ; Zwart P ; Dexel W ; Rotella M ; Schuitema P ; Gutfreund O ; Rosai O ; Stepanova V ; Bardi PM ; Lissitzky E ; Klucis G ; Citroen P ; Hugnet G ; Vail L ; Scheper L ; Tschichold J., 1968

Identifier: CC-52828-73966
Scope and Contents The first of what was to have been a two volume work; the author died before completing Volume Two. This first volume covers the classic age of collage, prior to WW II and contains some material on the 1950's and 1960's. The author, Dr. Herta Wescher, was the friend of many Bauhaus and other collage artists.Her writing embodies the enthusiasm, humor, affection, and personal comprehension of a participant in the lively and contentious circles she frequented. Assiduously she tracked down reminiscences and forgotten works from those tumultuous times, rescuing from oblivion much previously unpublished material. Thanks to her research, the reader may not only see the output of world-famous collagists, but also may meet the brilliant but often neglected Czech adherents of Futurist and later styles; the Russian Avant Garde; the loners from various parts of the world, all of whom helped make collage one of the most direct and unguarded forms of expression in the long history of art." --...
Dates: 1968