Found in 274 Collections and/or Records:
Schritte: Die Revolutionare Geduld. No.26 / Dorothee Solle., 1974
Schritte: Immon See. No.15 / Ludwig Harig ; Bense M., 1969
Schritte: Meer Gedichte Alpen Gedichte. No.28 / Kurt Marti., 1975
Schritte: sehgange. No.8 / Franz Mon., 1962
The Sackners hold the original collage of the image depicted with this record. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Schritte: Zungen-Schkage. No.20 / Bert Berkenstrater., 1971
Selected Shorter Poems 1950-1970 , 1978
The works reproduced in this book demonstrate that Emmett Williams is a giant in the field of concrete and performance poetry. The first section of this book consists of limericks, concrete, optical and typewriter poems. The next section deals with Fluxus and performance poems. There are also photographs documenting Williams' performances. Seven colored plates of Williams' concrete poems are placed in the middle of the book. The remainder of the book provides a mix of short poems. The silkscreen print depicts a profile of Williams face with large stencilled letters over it. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Selected Shorter Poems 1950-1970 / Williams, Emmett ; Knowles A ; Young L ; Higgins D ; Brecht G ; Kriwet F ; Roth D., 1975
The works reproduced in this book demonstrate that Emmett Williams is a giant in the field of concrete and performance poetry. The first section of this book consists of limericks, concrete, optical and typewriter poems. The next section deals with Fluxus and performance poems. There are also photographs documenting Williams' performances. Seven colored plates of Williams' concrete poems are placed in the middle of the book. The remainder of the book provides a mix of short poems. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Selfindexing (030867) / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1967
Shaman Hat / Dick Higgins., 1982
Sino, pan de proposicion / Pino, Francisco., 1974
some-one / Selenitsch, Alex ; spence p., 1985
This is the fourth of a series of booklets edited by pete spence. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
some-one / Selenitsch, Alex ; spence p., 1985
This is the fourth of a series of booklets edited by pete spence. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
song from the cosmic typewriter - somantric ballet by dsh for the exploding galaxy (200568 / 200569) / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1969
The following is mentioned at the end of thid poem: song 11.b trans from the nahuatl by dsh. Thus stored with other cosmic typewriter pieces in the London talk binder but was not shown there. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Sound Sequence for Six/Sixty/Six Hundred or Six Thousand Voices / Cobbing, Bob., 1989
sown / Huth, Geof., 1987
Sprechstunden / Harig, Ludwig., 1971
Stern / Grogerova, Bohumila; Hirsal, Josef., 1989
Still Adding To My Alphabet Sound Poems This Morning / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1967
tacaribash (271268) / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1968
The instructions read "progressively aphetic with previous initial to fina l(of the title word is unclear.alternatively 1 datum word in circle & repeat beginning one letter to right each time) / order in rhomboid with h per pale dancetty / trim lefthand overhangs onto right / accent each line on antepenultimate. The origin -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.