Typewriter poetry
Found in 1812 Collections and/or Records:
Punto Linea, 1976
The theme of punto (point) and linea (line) is interpreted with several calligraphic and typewritten processes, one to each page. The photocopied letter was posted by Roland Barthes. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Q is For Snail / Mayer, Peter., 1969
qsd 1 / Mairey, Francoise., 1977
This typing is created totally with the letters qsd and contains one error in the final line. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
qsdfg 1 / Mairey, Francoise., 1977
qsdfg 2 / Mairey, Francoise., 1977
Quest / Keith, Bill., 1993
Quote Unquote/Poem , 1978
qwertyuiop / Rahmmings, Keith., 1987
Rahmmings 'retired' from art world after publication of this book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
qwertyuiop / Rahmmings, Keith., 1987
Rag-Time / Lora-Totino, Arrigo., 1995
Taken from pete spence's Archive 1998. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
rain / drain / Huth, Geof., 1987
Rain / Parritt, Simon., 1978
rb + / Mairey, Francoise., 2000
Cards No.15 & No.16 were scanned into record. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
rd + / Mairey, Francoise., 2000
Cards No.21 & No.22 were scanned into record. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Reading the Illegible / Dworkin, Craig ; Acconci V ; Dante ; Altieri C ; Andrews B ; Ashbery J ; Baldessari J ; Beckett S ; Bernstein C ; Blake W ; Bok C ; Bowlt J ; Breton A ; Broodthaers M ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Campbell K ; Carrega U ; Caruso L ; Bunting B ; Cobbing B ; Coolidge C ; Davenport G ; Debord G ; Deguy M ; Derrida J ; Desnos R ; Dewdney C ; Dotremont C ; Drucker J ; Finlay IH ; Duchamp M ; Fraenkel E ; Gappmayr H ; Gill E ; Grenier R ; Gysin B ; Hejinian L ; Home S ; Howe S ; Inman P ; Isgro E ; Jacob M ; Johnson R ; Johnston A ; Joris P ; Jorn A ; Joyce J ; Klee P ; Kosuth J ; Kristeva J ; Kruchenykh A ; Lyotard JF ; MacLow J ; Mallarme S ; Mallock WH ; Ray M ; Marcus G ; Mayakovsky V ; McCaffery S ; McLuhan M ; Mekas J ; Michaux H ; Morgenstern C ; Nash J ; Nichol bp ; Paschal H ; Perloff M ; Phillips T ; Piombino N ; Ponge F ; Pound E ; Quartermain P ; Rasula J ; Retallack J ; Roth D ; Russolo L ; Roussel R ; Saroyan A ; Schwerner A ; Schwitters K ; Sharits P ; Silliman R ; Stein G ; Tinguely J ; Tschichold J ; Tzara T ; Waldrop R ; Warde B ; Williams J ; Wittgenstein L ; Wolman G ; Khlebnikov V ; Yates WB ; Zdanevich I ; Zukofsky L ; Zurn U ; Apollinaire G., 2003
Dworkin selects and critiques in detail several high spots of Illegible Texts to support the title of this book, e.g., text over text, cancelled texts, neologisms. These include Guy Debord's 'Fin de Copenhague' & 'Memoires,' Susan Howe's poetic works, Charles Bernstein's 'Veils,' of which five originals are held by the Sackner Archive, Rosemary 'Waldrop's 'Camp Printing,' John Cage's mesostics, Ezra Pound's 'Cantos,' Tom Phillips' 'A Humument,' Ronald Johnson's 'Radi Os,' Ken Campbell's 'Father's Garden,' and Fraenkel's version of Mallarme's 'Coup de Des' (held by the Sackner Archive). The book is accompanied by a large section of notes to the text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Ready for Framing / bissett, bill., 1982
These black and white prints are based on line drawing done in bissett's typical style. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[reed flute] / Sharkey, John J.., 1969
reiterations / Hutchins, Linda ; Terri M. Hopkins, curator., 2004
Reproduction / Mairey, Francoise., 1977
These four pages of typing of fgh are reproduced four times with the same explanation page for each group. The four pages of fgh are each increasingly darker in tone. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
rest/make (051064) / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1964
This typing is matted and framed with another typing by Houedard entitled "[Parentheses (41164)]." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.