Found in 940 Collections and/or Records:
Wheeling, 1992
Theme deals with the rise and fall of the automobile in American culture. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
William Addison Dwiggins, 1987
William Blake - Proverbs of Hell, 1982
Winter 93-94 / Purgatory Pie Press ; Faust D ; Smith EK ; Dervaux I ; Cherches P ; Sackner MA ; Ely T., 1994
Marvin Sackner published his famous "Chicken Soup" postcard with PPP in 1987. The Sackner Archive is listed in "Collections." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Winter Solstice / Golden, Alisa., 1989
Wordrobe, 1997
This exhibition, curated by Richard Martin, inegrates texts and textiles with stunning fashion designs. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Words Fail Me / Monachino, Teresa., 2006
Working with Computer Type 3: Color & Type / Carter, Rob ; Duchamp M., 1997
This handbook illustrates and explains how various combinations of type and color affect the clarity, mood, and readability of a design. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Worte Worte Worte - words, words, words / Spencer, Herbert ; Goethe J ; Themerson S., 1972
Each page is minimally laid out with text from mostly classic writers that consists of aphorisms about words. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Writing / Raworth, Tom., 1982
Writing through Finnegans Wake / Cage, John ; Joyce J., 1978
The mesostic line is "James Joyce." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Xerox Mother Fucker, 1985
Your Name Here / Mohawk Paper Mills., 1998
This catalogue demonstrates typographic and graphic designs on various weights and shades of Mohawk Superfine papers. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zaoumni by Velimir Klebnikov / Caine, Michael; Da Ros, Francois; Catherine Prigent, translator., 2000
The poems of Khlebnikov were translated from the Russian Zaum language of Khlebnikov to French using varied type faces. The illustrations are abstract engravings in earth colors, with imagery reminiscent of prints by Stanley Hayter. The colophon is printed in the layout of a Russian ferro-concrete poem. This edition is one of 60 printed on grand papier either Moulin du Verger of Somerset. Ten examples were printed of Japon Bunkosbi and 10 on Japon paper made by hand in China. The Japon de tete had smaller dimensions with an additional set of 13 engravings done in black and white. Twenty copies were also produced on Lanagravure. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zaum / Segay, Serge., 1997
This work was taken from the Archive of O!!Zone 1997. Stored in Segay box. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zeichen Fur Zeichen / Reichert, Josua, editor; Coply, W.; Arp, H.; Bissier, J.; Bogatzki; Capogrossi; Gaul, W.; Greishaber, H; Hoehme, G.; Kalinowski, H.; Reichart, J.; Schultz., 1963
Published in conjunction with the Schift und Bild Exhibition held in Baden-Baden, West Germany in 1962. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zivot Je Kolaz / Das Leben ist eine Collage / Trinkewitz, Karel ; Weiss C ; Bense M., 1999
Christina Weiss and Max Bense contributed introductory essays for the catalogue. On page 105, a letter from Marvin Sackner to Trinkewitz in 1985 is included in the collage titled "Ehrung fur Andre Breton." The work also includes a sketch of Jiri Kolar packing a work for Marvin Sackner that Trinkewitz made while the Sackners visited Kolar's studio and Karel served as the translator. The brochures, placed separately between several pages, are gallery invitations to exhibitions of Trinkewitz's works. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Ballspeil, 1989
The first section of the book consists of typographic work and photo-documentation of soccer activities of the group. The second section reproduces press work from 1976 to 1988. Several pieces held by in the Sackner Archive are reproduced including "Dr.phil. Lettaus Sittenjournal." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Lesen sind Verietzungen unumgagnglich / Hoffmann, Suitbert ; Elsas, Wolfgang., 1998
This copy is cut on the foredge of the cover. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Lesen sind Verietzungen unumgagnglich / Hoffmann, Suitbert ; Elsas, Wolfgang., 1998
This issue is uncut on the foredge of the book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.