Visual poetry
Found in 4858 Collections and/or Records:
One of the Most Important Even If Unfortunate Things about Breathing Is That It Allows Us to Speak / jw curry., 1991
Commissioned for "The Beauty In Breathing Exhibition." A human silhouette painted on a panel silently points out a chest x-ray to another figure to emphasize the physiologic importance of breathing. Behind the door, a telephone is placed adjacent to a network of printed and handwritten, torn and fragmented texts appearing as a gigantic speech bubble (reminescent of a cartoon) to suggest babble, dependent on breathing, eminating from many telephone communications. The contrast is a metaphor for the title of this work. Five of the images show the current istallation as doors leading to one of the Sackners bathrooms, the sixth shows the original free standing installation. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
One Original and 20 Modifications / spence, pete., 1998
One Pear for Erik Satie / Christie, John., 1978
[one] / Tylova, Barbora Toman., 2010
The work consists of photographs of plexiglas I's that increase in size as they descend. Each "I" is filled with different objects: colored paper clips, selections of printed texts, pills, earth and grass etc. This piece was a gift of Barbora Tylova when she did research in the Archive for her Ph.D. and for an article about the archive to be published in a Czech journal. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Onomata Perierga / Caruso, Luciano., 1985
'''ooo+: Poesie Tecnologico/Visive / Perfetti, Michele., 1967
Openings Press Card Series: News. No.15 / Phil Hemmings., 1978
This card depicts a photograph of a chimney with a wind vane in which the directional letters line up to spell "N E W S." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Openings Press Card Series: Three Telegrams. No.3/Nov / Tom Phillips., 1968
The image on this card is identical to the one in the first edition of "A Humument." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Openings Press Card Series: Tomato Atom. No.1/Apr / Patrick Bridgewater., 1968
Openings Press Valentine Card Series: Kisses. No.1 / Stephen Hoare., 1973
Opera Africane Vol.1 / Miccini, Eugenio ; Sarenco., 1989
Opera recenti / Francia, Claudio., 2001
This catalogue depicts collages, assemblages, and objects made by Francia. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Operazione Orfeo / Orpheus Operation, 1985
Opere Dal 1974 Al 1996 / Arias-Misson, Alain ; Dachy M., 1996
The works depicted in this exhibition catalogue are part of the Theatre Box series of the mid 1970's to the current pyramid works of 1996. The Sackner Archive purchased a "Pyramid ecstasy exercizes" plexiglas sculpture that is similar to those illustrated in the catalogue. Marc Dachy provided an introductory essay. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Opere dal 1974 al 1996 / Arias-Misson, Alain ; Dachy M., 1996
The Sackner Archive holds a plexiglas box in the "Pyramid Ecstasy Exercizes" series of 1996 similar to the one pictured on the catalogue cover. Marc Dachy contributed a biographical essay tracing the poetic works of Arias-Misson. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Opere Dal 1979 al 1999 / Diotallevi, Marcello., 2007
Opere Recenti Di PV / Carrega, Ugo ; Martini, Stelio Maria ; Miccini, Eugenio ; Pignotti, Lamberto ; Sarenco., 1989
Operis Non Es Simplex [from Dante's Inferno], 1979 - 1980
[Oraletica Analectica] / Biro, Jozsef., 1998
Collage depicts fragmented images of nude women engaged in sexual intercourse as well as clothed portraits of a man and woman overlaid with Hungarian text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.