Visual poetry
Found in 4861 Collections and/or Records:
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Passione Di Luce. No.40 / Marcello Aitiani., 1985
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Piccolo omaggio a Cangiullo. No.24 / Luciano Caruso., 1992
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Scritto Sulla Lamina del Tempo. No.22 / Luciano Caruso., 1992
The five additional copies to the tirage are artist proofs. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Scrittura E/O Pittura. No.37 / Mario Parentela ; Luciano Caruso., 1985
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. The colors of the drawing that depicts overwriting are burgundy, white, and green. Caruso provided a brief essay. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Segnalibro. No.25 / Luciano Caruso ; Villa E., 1992
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca & Storia: Futurismo e Neoavanguardia / Caruso L., 1985
Edited by Luciano Caruso. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Tabulae/Omaggio A Cangiullo. No.20 / Luciano Caruso., 1984
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Tela Immortale. No.31 / William Xerra ; Luciano Caruso., 1984
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. Collage element has image of two oranges. Caruso's poem is the same in each copy but the prints have different background texts and additions even though thematically they appear similar. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Teoria e Storia della Citazione. No.6 / Luciano Caruso ; Ugo Carrega., 1981 - 1982
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. The collage is consists of blue paint on over a music score paper. The poem by Carrega is printed from a handwritten manuscript. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Tipo/Grafia. No.4 / Luciano Caruso., 1979
The content of this book consists mainly of collaged pornographic images taken from popular sex magazines that deal with explicit sexual intercourse, oral sex, and sadomasochism superimposed upon pharmaceutical information pages. The content of each issue differs from the others with this title. This is a varient copy in the series that was purchased from Caruso. However, each book is unique. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Tipo/Grafia. No.4 / Luciano Caruso., 1979
This content of this copy deals mainly with the structure and typography of the page and does not utilize pornographic images as in the other copy held by the Sackner Archive. However, each book is unique. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Trattato Della Fortuna. No.11 / Luciano Caruso ; Marco Marchiani., 1983
Edited by Luciano Caruso and Sonia Puccetti. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brache di Gutenberg, Le: Cronaca: Una mela e una mela. No.26 / Luciano Caruso., 1992
The five additional copies in the tirage are artist proofs. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brain Wash , 2002
Breakfast Special / Tilson, Jake., 1989
Pamphlet is enclosed which explains theme of each book. No.1 El Dottore di Terracotta, No.2 La Carta Propre, No.3 Miasto Alfabet, No.4 El. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breaking the Word-Image Barrier / Ollman, Leah; Phillips T; Finlay IH; Tyson I., 1992
The Sackner Archive lent unique pages from the first revised edition of "A Humument" by Tom Phillips to this exhibition at UC San Diego's Mandeville Gallery. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breath, 1991
This drawing was commissioned for "The Beauty In Breathing" exhibition. The poet drew circular shapes with symmetrical and irregular borders encapsulating the words, "breath, breathing, and respiro," as an attempt to portray the physical qualities of a breath as a visual image. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breath / Broel, Elisabeth., 1991
Commissioned for "The Beauty in Breathing" exhibition. Consists of a grid of 7 x 6 packets of normal and abnormal collaged chest roentgenograms fixed to a canvas stretcher support. Each row has one letter in each column which in the horizontal spells "breath." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breath by Samuel Beckett / Astrid Furnival., 1991
This sweater was commissioned for "The Beauty In Breathing" exhibition. The text on the sweater, is knitted in shades of indigo blue to indicate the rise and fall of light on the stage during the performance of the minimalist play by Samuel Beckett entitled "Breath." The performance consists of slowly inhaling and exhaling a single breath. The text of the play provides stage and lighting directions as the visual associations for this breath. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.