Visual poetry
Found in 4861 Collections and/or Records:
Cyrillic Alphabet: The Angel / Tozik, Andrey., 1997
Matted together with "Cyrillic Alphabet: Time." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Cyrillic Alphabet: The Eye / Tozik, Andrey., 1997
Cyrillic Alphabet: Time / Tozik, Andrey., 1997
Matted together with "Cyrillic Alphabet: The Angel." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Czech Visual Poetry (Ceska Vizualni Poezie) / Adamus K ; Honys J ; Klivar M ; Valoch J ; Wojnar J ; Partum A., 1975
Czonpikkely / Lipcsey, Emoke., 1989
da-a/u dela. No.1 / Daniela Palazzoli, Gianni-Emilio Simonetti, editors ; Ben ; Villa E ; Dienst RG ; Blaine J ; Garnier P ; Brecht G ; Mussio M ; Higgins D ; Diacono M ; Castro L ; Bussotti S ; Baruchello GF ; Young L ; Vostell W ; Simonetti GE ; Balthazar A ; Bertholo R., 1966
This is the only issue of the periodical published. The Archive also holds an incomplete copy that is missing the envelope and the Bussotti card. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Da Lamie del Labirinto / Mussio, Magdalo., 1981
The images integrate found photographs, printed text, and rubberstampings with Mussio's calligraphy. Each image was probably reproduced from a collage. The first page of the book is missing. The cover is labeled and signed with initials of Jack Hirschman. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Da Porta Pia alla Sketch-Poesia / Apolloni, Ignazio; Cerami, Pietro., 1979
Da Strato A Strato / Cepollaro, Biagio., 2009
dada games 1 / Danon, Betty., 1989
Taken from pete spence's Archive 1998. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
dada games 3 / Danon, Betty., 1989
Taken from pete spence's Archive 1998. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dada Moment Post / Cole, David., 1992
The collaged elements of the cards include fragments taken from the Sackner Archive stationery. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dada News. No.16 / Michael Katz, editor., 1978
Dance of Darkness / Gooch, Jack., 1992
dance of life 2 / Knotek, Anatol., 2014
Dancing through the Streets / Radin, Betty., 1990
Dante Alighieri: Empireo The Paradise Breathing / Mennitti-Paraito, Emanuele., 1990
Dante Diary: Episodes from a Dante Memoir / Phillips, Tom., 1983
Dante's Inferno First Edition Proof Print: 10 Aug 1977 Dante's Heads 1 , 1978 - 1979
This print is one of the proofs for the first edition of Phillips' Dante's Inferno. The completed prints were destroyed in a fire at the Editions Alecto studio and never published as an edition. Phillips subsequently redid the prints in a different manner although he borrowed some of the imagery from the first edition. The prints in a limited edition and a trade edition book were published by Phillips and Thames and Hudson, respectively. A text of this image reads, "Semiramis & Dido & Cleopatra & Helen of Troy & Achilles & Paris & Tristan Und Isole De & Romeo and Juliet & Anna Karenina & Emma." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.