Picture poetry
Found in 1790 Collections and/or Records:
Dolls of the Spirit / Drucker, Johanna., 1981
Drucker comments in her catalogue from the exhibition at Printed Matter that this book was based upon a Dutch emblem book of the same title dealing with farm implements. This book is based on transformable objects and words, e.g., knife, key, scissors, etc. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Domestic Screams / Lederman, Stephanie Brody., 1984
Dot / Depew, Wally., 1990
douce anne / Levy, Miller., 1997
The painted pink paper pad gives off a pleasant, sweet scent in keeping with Levy's New Year greetings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
doves dhows / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1998
The title of the poem appears on the back cover, "A winter scene is set down in six words, two of which occur twice." The poem on the front cover, doves dhows - distance dhows - drifting doves." According to the Random House Dictionary, a dhow is a sailing vessel used by Arabs on the east African, hte Arabian and the Indian coasts, generally lateen-riggedon two or three masts. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Doves over the Sarthe at Solemes, 1973
Drawings For A.B.C. by John & Peri Rowan / Rowan, Peri., 1976
Dreams of the Animals / Atwood, Margaret., 1982
DRIP-DRY - May (from Exhibition "Presences of Nature," Carlisle Museum & Art Gallery) / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Gardner, Ian., 1982
Drowned fish? feather? drowned feather? fish? / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Hincks, Gary., 1996
The poem compares the scales of a fish to a feather. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Drucke Der Zukunft Deinen Stempel Auf / Rehfeldt, Robert., 1987
Dryad Cards / Golden, Alisa J.., 1992
Du 24 Mars Au 20 Mai 1991, 1991
Duhring Duhring: nous etiens contre le pouvoir des mots contre le pouvoir / Wolman, Gil\aka Joseph Wolman., 1979
Dung Vay / Hompson, Davi Det., 1993
Each page depicts a large photographic portait of Hompson that was taken by Katherine Wetzel. The caption in Vietnamese below each portrait, that is translated in English on the verso of he envelope, indicates the emotional state of Hompson at the time the photographs were made. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dunkirk Little Ship / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1998
Duz. No.1 / Sally Alatalo, editor., 1991
Each page has a single silkscreen image and a one word caption. This magazine is a successor to Du Da also published by Alatalo. DR Books WEB 2011 annotation: With 10 leaves, screenprinted, (various colors) onto mint green vellum and railroad board covers yellow plasti-coil spiral binding; 19-1/2x14-1/2in; theme: single works with an image: "beat, punch, nail, cuff, sock, box, blow, knock, lick"; this peridocal is now known as "DUZ" (changed in 1991) was created by Sally Alatalo. Known as a "montage of visual and written signs: text, stories, photographs, drawings, and objects as varied as disposable razors. The reading of these layers of information is associative. Juxtaposition of source material, often humorous or odd, plays a big part in the magazine's production and intent. Married to the technology of printing and is influenced by off-beat design." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dwarf Beans / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Hincks, Gary., 1996
Ear, Nose, Communications: Diseases / Fierens, Luc., 2009
Early Spanish Manuscript Illumination / Williams, John., 1977
This book reproduces examples of Spanish illuminated manuscripts from the 7th to 11th centuries. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.