Box 2
Contains 47 Results:
20. 1963_03_15_ELECTRONIC DESIGN (ED) Magazine, Original Issue, 1963 March 15
This issue contains another 'Idea for Design' of mine, (page #98), "Feed-back Path Ups Input of Operational Amplifier". The opposing page #99 contains a large ad by INDIANA GENERAL for core-memory stacks for computer storage - both the product and the company are long since relegated to the scrapheap of history! As are my several design articles that appeared in the above issues! The ELECTRONIC DESIGN Magazine is published yet today, albeit with dramatically different contents and advertisements. ED's 50th Anniversary was celebrated with a special 'retrospective issue' in the October 2002 - readily available in electronic form online
21. 1964_05_13_IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT_E. F. Lindquist, 1964 May 13
A 2-page letter from E. F. Lindquist, President of MRC, announcing that about ninety ITP (Iowa Testing Program) employees will become MRC employees
22. 1964_MRC GUIDE_Selection of OMR Machines, 1964
A 24-page MRC Guide to the selection of SCORING MACHINES and OPTICAL SCANNERS - an Original Copy. JPEG Image files on JVM Archival media disc
23. 1965_07_14_Multiple-Sensor detection of Mark-Sense document sheets, 1965 July 14
A 16-page handwritten R/D technical document prepared by John V. McMillin, covering concepts proposed by E. F. Lindquist, MRC President, and refined by JVM. See 1965_08_03_Lindquist LETTER Item
24. 1965_07_22_A HIGH SPEED PRECISION SHEET FEEDER, 1965 July 22
An Invention by E. F. Lindquist. This document consists of 4-pages of typewritten text, followed by 6 pages of Lindquist's original sketches, describing this invention. Likely the first draft of the next two items shown below
An Invention by E. F. Lindquist. This may be identical (or nearly so) to the document of Lindquist's that I show as dated 7/29/1971 in an earlier JVM Accession to UI. This one contains 6 pages of text, and six pages of his sketches. NOTE: the 7/29/71 document includes a cover MEMO to Edberg, and an 8/2/65 EFL letter. A second copy of the 7/29/1971 document is included in this U of I Accession for completeness
26. 1965_08_02_LETTER from E. F. Lindquist to the MRC Patent Law Firm, 1965 August 2
Lindquist is instructing the law firm to determine the feasibility of obtaining a U. S. Patent on the above invention
27. 1965_FALL_Robert A. Edberg's FALL 1965 Report, 1965 Fall
A 2-page JVM Transcribed MRC Engineering Report by Chief Engineer Edberg, Folder: 1965_FALL_Edberg MRC Report. It is reported that Lindquist's Mod I, II, and III Scoring Machines have been salvaged and are no more!
28. 1965_09_25_MRC OPEN HOUSE (two Newspaper Articles), 1965 September 25
The Press-Citizen and the Daily Iowan newspapers ran feature articles about this event. The headline for the Press-Citizen was "Computer Test Score Firm To Hold Open House Here", and the Daily Iowan headline was "Public to View Test Center". Each article was accompanied by a photo. This JVM Accession Item contains a folder on the Media Disc entitled 1965_09_25_Public Tour of MRC, which contains the JPEG Image scans of each photo, and an MS Word file for each article that contains the JVM text transcription as well as the respective photos. Hard-copy printouts of each MS Word file are also included. Similar data-base files were included in the DVD presented to U of I in an earlier JVM Accession
29. 1965_10_22_MRC Colored Ink Detection System, Preliminary Report, 1965 October 22
This 6-page document, including sketches, was prepared by John V. McMillin, and covers early design concepts for reading colored ink on OMR documents, as well as the traditional #2 pencil marks. Case file 14,042
30. 1965_11_11_LETTER from E. F. Lindquist to the MRC Patent Law Firm, 1965 November 11
Lindquist 2-page letter related to the 1965_10_22_MRC Colored Ink Detection System, described above
31. 1966_FALL_D.P.Wahl's M1501 Report, 1966 Fall
The JVM Archival Media Disc Folder by this name contains a 4-page MS Word document entitled 1966_FALL_D.P.Wahl M1501 Report_ORG.doc, which shows a JPEG-Image of Pete Wahl's 'Fall of 1966' optimistic assessment of the future of the MRC 1501 CARD SCANNER PROGRAM. My brief commentary is included, along with several MRC M1501 Marketing Brochure pages that were prepared during this era. A hard-copy printout is included in this Accession Set
32. 1967_01_03_LETTER from E. F. Lindquist to the MRC Patent Law Firm, 1967 January 3
Lindquist correspondence regarding another U. S. Patent application of his, Case File No. 14,850. This document includes a fold-out drawing of the mechanism, Signed by Edberg, Chief Engineer
33. 1967_08_11_MRC 1501 CARD SCANNER Cost Analysis: prepared by the MRC Product Development Group, John V. McMillin, Manager, 1967 August 11
This surviving Original Copy bound document gives a detailed breakdown of all the major components comprising this very high-speed OMR/punched-card system developed by MRC and a west coast company, IKM. This 50-page (+) document concludes with a 21-page section entitled, "MRC Production of 1501 Scanner". The project was fraught with difficulties, including major problems in the liaison/coordination between MRC and the West Coast based sub-contractor, Litton Industries and later, IKM in Chatsworth, CA. The Archival DVD Folder 1967_08_11_MRC 1501 CARD SCANNER Cost Analysis contains only a JPEG-Image scan of the Report Cover and First Page, identifying the earliest date in the sections as 8/11/67
34 and 35. 1967_1978_Internal WLC Engineering Dept. REPORTS & MEMOS, 1967-1978
Two stacks/bundles. John V. McMillin, Mgr. These two 'loose stacks' of several hundred unbound pages, give an insight into the major design projects, activities, major issues/conflicts, critical decisions, time-scales, financial budgets, Technical Staffing levels, trip reports, Letters to-and-from Customers, Engineering Status Reports (monthly, quarterly, year-end), and related events that occurred during this twelve year period, shortly preceding, then following WLC's acquisition of MRC in June 1968. The contents of the two rubber-banded stacks overlap in time to some extent
36. 1967_68_MRC a Leader in EDS Brochure, 1967-1968
Describes MRC circa 1967-68 - the Company and the Services available, with an introductory of the main facility at 321 East Market Street and a statement of the Development Mission by Dr. E. F. Lindquist, Founder, including his photo. Original Copy. JPEG Image files on JVM media disc
37. 1968_ca_early_VISITOR'S GUIDE to MRC, circa 1968
Although a previous 'open house' was held in 1965, this 6-page VISITOR's GUIDE handout, describing 10 TOUR Stops, with a first-page cover, "A Word about MRC" by E. F. Lindquist, President, must have been published in early 1968, or possibly late in 1967, as the text on page-3, "SCORING AREA" refers to sheet processing in 1966-67, and also refers to the Model 1501 Card scanner, which was not completed until late 1967/early-1968. The TOUR STOPS include the MRC facilities at 321 and 325 East Market Street (two floors) and the 108 N. Linn Street Engineering Department on the main floor and in the basement - the latter where the Engineering Offices were located - in what we called the 'coal bin'. Although brief and concise, this only surviving VISITOR's GUIDE provides a rare glimpse into the 'bowels' of MRC as it existed shortly prior to the acquisition by Westinghouse Learning Corporation
"Student E. F. Lindquist becomes an initiate in a fraternity on the SUI Campus", 1926 June 24
MS Word file name: 1926_06_04_PRESS-CITIZEN_Lindquist Initiated_ORG.doc
"Professor Lindquist's salary of $7,620 is given in a long list of faculty salaries", 1946 November 23
[I printed out an 11" x 17" tabloid of the list, as a matter of historical interest.] MS Word File name: 1946_SUI Salaries of 5,000, or more_EFL_ORG.doc
"Professor Lindquist's salary has increased to $10,500", 1951 November 16
JPEG images included