Box 4
Contains 47 Results:
Box 4
1. 1975_circa_W-2300 Presentation_JVM, circa 1975
This Accession Item consists of my 7-pages of handwritten notes (scribbles!) that I prepared to assist Mr. Robert J. Roelf, WLC Hardware Marketing Manager, on some unknown, long-forgotten sales/marketing call to a prospective customer who was interested in leasing an OMR Scanner from WLC. It was definitely an 'off site' call, as I refer in my notes to "Bob asked me to come out and talk about the Engineering of the W-2300. I'm Chief Engineer - he thinks I know something about the W2300. Realize what a powerful fellow Mr. Roelf is; I'll bet IBM wouldn't send out their chief engineer to talk about their scanners!" And, so on, with light-hearted opening comments, before getting down to the nitty-gritty
2. 1976_05_PLAN OF ACTION: A JVM report prepared for the WLC/MRC General Manager, Burdette P. Hansen, outlining the BALLOT SCANNING EXPERIMENT, DOUGLAS COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION, 1976 May
Eight pages, and additionally, including several attachments: An Original Copy is provided. The Archival Media DVD disc Folder: 1976_05_PLAN OF ACTION for Ballot Scanning, contains an MS W2002XP Word Text File: 1976_05_late_PLAN OF ACTION_JVM Ballot Scan Report_V2.doc, and six JPEG files covering the Analysis section
Although undated, this 24-page typewritten document, titled as above, presents a detailed set of specifications for the design of the OMR paper ballots designed by WLC for the equipment sold to Data Mark Systems. The companion Folder on the Archival DVD media disc 1976_circa_W600B BALLOT-DOCUMENT SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL, (same name as the hard-copy item identification above), contains 68 JPEG-Image files of the complete Original Manual (not provided), including many color-images of the various diagnostic, header, and control 'ballot documents' developed for the W600B scanning system
4. 1976_circa_BALLOT-SCANNING ACCURACY REPORT, circa 1976
5. 1976_11_12_ENGINEERING BUDGET FOR 1977, 1976 November 12
A spiral-bound JVM Engineering Department Budget Report covering labor costs, productive hours, personnel time analysis, salary growth increments, zero-base budgeting concepts, and other relevant information. Original Copy included. The Archival DVD Folder: 1976_11_12_WLC ENG 1977 BUDGET, contains JPEG-Image scans of the first 12 pages of the Report, and two Graphs
6. 1977_02_01_Puerto Rico Trip Report, by John V. McMillin, 1977 February 1
This 9-page 'Trip Report' document, distributed to the appropriate WLC Iowa City Managers, covers the possibility of manufacturing some of the electronics components (printed circuits, as a prime example) for the WLC/MRC W301/201 OMR Scanners. WLC Headquarters (NYC), at the time, had visions (totally unrealistic, in my opinion) of mass-manufacturing our MRC line of OMR scanners, and instructed me to make an onsite visit to an 'off shore' Westinghouse Electric Corporation (WEC) printed-circuit manufacturing facility in Puerto Rico. My report presents a detailed finding of my investigation
7. 1977_02_10_Press Citizen_Trade Deficit_JAPAN, 1977 February 10
The Press-Citizen gave us some publicity about helping to 'cut the trade deficit with Japan' in this February 2, 1977 news item. WLC/MRC had concluded an important business deal to sell several of our W301 OMR Scanners to Mitsubishi Office Machinery, Tokyo, Japan, who in turn, would be selling them to the Japanese Ministry of Education for dramatically upgrading their annual Entrance Exams for their high school seniors to compete for enrollment in the top universities there. I am pictured in this article, and later headed the installation team's trip to Tokyo for acceptance testing and during the first 'live run' of the scanners. The folder on the JVM Archival Media disc is: 1977_02_10_Press Citizen_Trade Deficit_JAPAN. JPEG-image scans and an MS Word file (with transcribed text) of the Press-Citizen article are also included
8. 1977_02_11_Notarized Copy_JVM Patent Sketch, 1977 February 11
This is the earliest-dated surviving WLC documentation that shows the results of our early R&D activity to develop a new approach to the sensing of OMR data-marks on a student answer sheet, as opposed to individual discrete-photocells to sense the marks in each column. This notarized sketch and an accompanying JVM Technical Disclosure was the basis for filing a U. S. Patent Application on January 2, 1979, and granted on November 10, 1981, No. 4,300, 123, inventors McMillin, et al. The archival DVD Folder 1977_02_11_Notarized Copy_JVM Patent Sketch contains a JPEG-image file of the original sketch, and an MS Word file 1977_02_11_Notarized Copy of JVM,Schroeder Pat. Appl.Sketch_ORG.doc with JVM commentary. Hard-copy printout included
9. 1977 to 1984_10_1 JVM Imaging Overheads, 1977-1984
These 19 JPEG-Image files, and an MS Word Cover Page file cover the essence of technology flow from OMR (Optical Mark Read) Scanners to advanced scanners that can capture bit-mapped images. This Accession Item represents, in its original form, a set of overhead transparencies that I used for various presentation purposes circa 1977-1984. A hard-copy set of the overheads is included, and the associated JVM Archival DVD Folder is as above
10. 1977_03_29_MRC ENGINEERING, 1977 March 29
12. 1977_02_06_PARADE Magazine_Home, 1977 February 6
Computers Granted, the folder of this name on the JVM Archival Media disc included in this U of I accession doesn't directly involve MRC or WLC, but yet, in a way it does, as it describes rather nicely the 'state of the art' in home computing in those 'early days', and by inference, focuses on the incredible difference of how MRC Engineers had to go about their design tasks of producing 'cutting edge' high-speed OMR Scanners in those days. What, no desktop computers to help with design analyses, calculations, drawings, drafting of manuals, preparation of parts lists, graphical views for users, cataloging of components, spares, and on and on? Yep, that's the way it was! I have transcribed the Original PARADE Sheet text from the February 2, 1977 issue of PARADE Magazine (typically, a supplement in the Des Moines Sunday Register) into an MS Word file, which also includes embedded JPEG image files that were shown in the original article: 1977_02_06_A Computer in Every Home_ORG.doc
13. 1977_04_01_KEY-MARK TERMINAL MAKES DEBUT, 1977 April 1
A light-hearted 'fantasy' Technical Spoof by JVM prophesying the availability of small hand-held data-entry devices for students to enter answers to test questions, as opposed to filling out an OMR Form. A limited capability prototype was actually constructed, due to interested by WLC management. Such capabilities, of course, became common place with the arrival of the personal computer, and electronic-chip accessories
14. 1977_06_17_United States Civil Service, Macon, Georgia - WLC TRIP REPORT, 1977 June 17
15. 1977_06_09_W201 Optical Mark Reader; Prototype Analysis and Design Alternatives, 1977 June 9
An internal WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP Memo to John V. McMillin, WLC Iowa City. Another 'helpful' document, 4-pages, from WEC R&D and the Corporate Design Center, in another effort to show us farm kid klutzes at the MRC Iowa City Division of WLC what we needed to do to our OMR Scanner designs to improve them. My opinion was that WEC never did catch on to the basic premise that our OMR Scanner sales were a niche business, capital intensive to the customer, and WEC, instead, tried to tell us how to design and 'tool' the parts as though we were going to mass-produce them like throwaway 100W light bulbs. The enclosed memo lists over 50 recommended design/manufacturing changes - not a one of which we followed, to my present recollection. Yet, we sold several dozen W201's to customers in the U. S. and Asia, who were totally happy with their performance, usability, and - most importantly of all - their accuracy
16. 1977_10_01_MRC Organization Chart, Division of WLC, 1977 October 1
An Organization chart showing the key managers and their supervisors running the MRC Iowa Division of Westinghouse Learning Corp.
17. 1977_10_18 "Westinghouse Largest Wholesale Test Scorer in U.S." by Gary N. Rowe, Westinghouse Learning Corporation, 1977 October 18
18. 1978_01_11_Press-Citizen_New Mgr for WLC - Ockerman, 1978 January 11
In the turbulent period leading up to Burdett P. Hansen's resignation as General Manager of WLC, Paul H. Ockerman, 51, was appointed as his replacement. The Wednesday, January 11, 1978 Press-Citizen, Page 3C, had a feature article about Paul Ockerman (including his photo) taking over the reins. Unfortunately, due to some very unusual circumstances of which only a very few of us today know the details, he was replaced a few months later by Donald Gibson, also a transplant from WEC. This Item is the Original Page CLIP from the Press Citizen described above. Also included are an MS Word transcribed-text file and a JPEG scan of the article in the JVM Archival Media disc [1978_01_11_Press-Citizen_New Mgr for WLC.Ockerman]